01 - le garçon

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Blue violets dancing atop white marble. Reflections of gold and ivory; dancing girls in the hallways. Their hair like spun gold, dresses like flower petals. It was quite the sight; the girls of Beauxbatons, yet Draco didn't feel moved by any of them. They were attractive — a lot of them even part Veela — but never really seemed to touch his soul. The other male students of the French Wizarding school felt different about that. As soon as they saw gold combined with blue; they ran. Running after the girls always seemed to bring them joy. Smiles as bright as ever, laughing that could be described as an indecent thing to do.

But Draco always kept himself to walking — or even remaining seated. Why chase a girl he didn't have feelings for? Why chase a heart that didn't beat at the same pace?

Madame Maxime hurried herself around the corridor, long legs chasing the boys away from the girls. 'On ne cours pas!' She shouted, her loud voice shaking the chandelier's crystals. Ting ting.

Draco was left alone in the large sunroom; enjoying the view of the Pyrenees. Trees as tall as castles, lakes expanding as far as seas and mountains reaching a point close to heaven. A fresh school year's start; another year at the chateau.

☾ *:・゚✧

Seated for dinner at the boy's table in the chateau's dining chamber, Draco awaited what Madame Maxime was about to announce. It was clear to the boy that she had something to say to her beloved students; there wasn't any food on the tables yet and Madame kept moving nervously on her chair. Nobody else seemed to notice, though — all caught up in conversations they didn't even seem to miss the presence of food.

Draco's eyes took in his fellow students once more; a thing he liked to do whenever he felt bored. His friends were sitting around him, dressed in shades of pastel blue. Their hair always so flawless, eyes bright and shiny. But they could try as much as they wanted; Draco always thought he was the most handsome out of all. His friends couldn't fake a beautiful pearl complexion like he had nor his beautiful silver Veela-like hair.

Vain but true, Draco thought as he glanced over at the girl's table. He was friends with almost all the girls at Beauxbatons; they simple adored him. It was not only because he could do the most intricate hairstyles, but also because he beamed a certain elegance they all wished to be surrounded by. Draco had never minded their attention; he loved it.

'You seem to be in a terrible mood today, Draco,' his friend, André said to him.

André's skin was the opposite of Draco's; a beautiful dark brown but eyes as bright as the ocean. He must admit the boy had always been competition to him when it came to whom looked best of the boys. Not to mention that there were two of him; his twin-brother Ansel was the exactreflection of the boy.

'I'm just a little hungry, alright? Can't Madame hurry up already?' he responded with a sigh.

The twins glanced at each other and then back at Draco with confused eyes. 'How do you mean, hurry up?' André asked, clearly not seeing what Draco saw.

'Is she going to announce something?' Ansel added with the same blind sight as his brother.

Of course they hadn't noticed anything; they never did. Draco opened his mouth to reply but got interrupted by Madame Maxime clearing her throat. Finally, he thought, and turned himself towards her. The tall woman was wearing beautiful purple robes with a large golden brooch on her chest. Taking a step forward and clearing her throat once again, she prepared to bring the news of the century.

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