04 - le feu

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As Draco made his way towards the bathroom the next morning, the girls trailing behind him, rain once again poured down upon their heads. Fortunately it was only a slight drizzle. Still, Draco had pulled his water-repellent hat over his ears again and clutched his dressing gown tightly around his body. Drip drop, getting wet was yet another thing he detested. He awaited the girls by the door like he did every day, touching each shoulder as they passed by. Fleur seemed to be lost in thought already since she had awoken; staring into nothingness. Her wide blue eyes didn't give any of her secrets away. When Draco touched her shoulder she even jumped a little; it had scared her. 'Ça va?' Draco asked and she nodded with a little smile.

'After you left I couldn't help but think about the dragons and the task; all my exhaustion had disappeared. But I've come up with a plan during those nightly hours,' her smile brightened but Draco couldn't return it, sensing there was more to it.

'But?' he asked her curiously.

'But I won't be needing your help with it, mon petit amour.' What was it with all the women in Draco's life suddenly calling him petit? He basically towered above Fleur's presence right there and then; staring down at her tiny figure in confusion.

'Why not? I could help you do some research and-'

'I will need Madame to help me with this, Draco. To fight a dragon I will need to learn and revise spells that you know nothing about. As much as I want your help, you won't be able to give me what I need. Je suis désolé,' she told him. A little smile lingered upon her lips but it was more one out of regret and for being sorry.

Draco swallowed and gave her a firm nod, keeping his chin high and putting his hands behind his back. 'Of course. I am only a fourth year, aren't I?'

His words were meant to make her feel bad but worked the opposite. She gave him a small pad on his shoulder. 'I knew you would understand, Draco. You always do,' she said as she joined the other girls again.

Draco felt the heat rise to his face. He didn't feel angry nor furious; he felt left behind and pushed aside. He had wanted to give his entire school year to help Fleur with the tasks; to help her do research; to help her practice. But apparently she didn't want his help. Because you're only a fourth year, a voice in Draco's head repeated, it means that you're not talented enough to help her. Apparently he was only good enough to look after the girls and perhaps study a little at a different school.

Telling the girls to go ahead of him, that he would catch up later, he let himself fall down at the bottom of the stairs. He watched the rain fall slowly outside the entrance's doors, the drops falling down faster and harder by the second. Water bubbles hitting stone; coloring the ground a shade darker than usual. In only a few minutes the faint drizzle had become the downpour it had been a few weeks ago. He watched it in silence as he thought of what plan Fleur might have come up with. Whatever it was; Draco wouldn't be a part of it. Of course Fleur wanted him by her side before and after every task, she had made that clear even before she became a Champion — but Draco had thought and hoped he would always be by her side. Staring at the rain he just felt abandoned and suddenly alone. When was the last time he had felt so lonely?

Always had he been surrounded by at least someone; the girls, the twins, his parents. And for the first time in very long, he felt alone. Was this how it felt to be Harry Potter right now, Draco thought to himself. And at that thought, he suddenly didn't feel so sad and lonely anymore; Harry was still his friend. Harry still needed his help... somehow, right? Draco bolted up to his feet in a matter of seconds. He had to find Harry after breakfast and start making plans with him. If he couldn't help Fleur; he could at least help Harry, right?

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