07 - l'eau

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NOTE: Perspective change! (At least, for this chapter)

The first part is written in cursive because it briefly describes Harry's feelings for Draco during some of the most important events that I have already written in detail in previous chapters.
The second part I chose to write from Harry's perspective because of the second task. It was quite impossible to write it from Draco's perspective *hint*...

C H A P T E R 0 7


Giant wings like that of an angel had doomed up in the sky, carrying something as big as a house. Gold had reflected in the sunlight, blinding Harry and everyone around him. He had almost rejected Ron and Hermione's offer to go watch the other schools arrive, but he had said yes in the end and it had been the best decision he could've made. A blue violet so pure and so pale Harry's eyes had been blinded at its sight. The blond boy had strode so elegantly behind the girls, his pointy facial features held up to the sky like only princes did. A thin scarf as light as a feather had blown off his slender neck, landing in front of Harry's feet as if it was meant to be. Without hesitation Harry had picked it up for the boy, handing it back and getting the most beautiful smile in return.

Merci. A new favorite word had been created.

And he had seen him again, doing wandless magic as if it was the easiest thing in the world. Butterflies had fluttered everywhere, including his stomach, and as everyone's eyes were cast upon the girls, Harry couldn't stop his own from wandering off to the lone boy in blue. And then that magic butterfly. A blue glimpse like that of a patronus, blown into his direction by the boy himself. It had landed on his nose and filled him with feelings he had no way of understanding.

He hadn't been able to stop thinking about this mysterious boy and somehow seemed to run into him everywhere he went. Like that morning he saw him run through the rain with the girls; soaking wet and not even caring about it. Rain drops had ran down the boy's pajama trousers. And oh, how silly yet wonderful Harry had found the hat he had been wearing, pulled over his ears as if to hide himself away from all his surroundings. He had gathered all his courage to talk to him, offer him his cloak only to get rejected with another show-off of how amazing the boy actually was. Both in enchanting Harry with magic as in enchanting his heart.

Later a blue light had shone brightly and casted itself upon a new blue element that had entered the Great Hall. The boy, known as Draco Malfoy, had entered with a few of the girls. And then he had walked over to Harry; spoke to him as if they had always been friends. The courage, the beauty of every word he had said. Harry had hung to his lips with each and every French word that slipped from the boy's tongue; it was always enough to make his heart skip a beat.

Oh, and when he had told him about the dragons even though Harry had already known. The running into each other, how he fell on the ground; a perfect boy on an un-perfect surface. How he had pointed an intricate golden wand at Harry to only lower it almost as fast as it had been drawn. And Harry had hugged him that night; embraced him so tightly the boy had winced. But he had believed him. He had been the only one.

An elephant in the room, so it had seemed when Draco had entered the Three Broomsticks behind him. He had stood out so much, had looked so uncomfortable, but as Harry had rejoined him at their small table, he had seen the blond's eyes change from cautious to relaxed in a matter of seconds. Book after book after book; the blond's head was filled with knowledge Harry only dreamt of possessing. And every star in the sky that night he had known. But Harry had been so stupid to say his thoughts out loud; making the French confused of words he couldn't understand.

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