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It had been three hours since her encounter with Quinn and Laila and Holly was beginning to freak out. How was she going to help them out? She had lied and told them that Kenzie Luca's story from camp was actually her own; she didn't actually know how to cheat the system to change a grade. What was she going to do?!?!?!?! There was no way she could show up empty handed, or worse, not at all. Laila and Quinn were not enemies that anyone wished to have.
In her state of panic, Holly called up her friend Raina and told her she needed to come over ASAP. Raina was reliable, her and Holly had been friends since the fifth grade when Raina's parents decided to stop homeschooling her. Raina lived pretty close, so she was there within minutes. She could tell from Holly's distressed tone that the matter was urgent.
Once they were both upstairs and in Holly's room, she explained her situation to Raina. How Laila had asked her for something that would make Quinn notice her and how she was so worried because she didn't know how she would be able to pull it off.
"You know who'll be able to help us out?" Raina said once Holly was finished
"My brother, he's super nerdy and good with this kind of stuff. "I'll go get him one sec""
"Omg thanks ur the best"
Holly was so glad she turned to her friend for help. She didn't know what she would've done without it. Raina always seemed to know what to do.
Ten minutes later, Raina reentered followed by her little brother Forrest. He was carrying a laptop bag was and looking at the ground. Forrest was a weird kid. He didn't really have any friends and mostly kept to himself. Holly never really interacted with him and was assuming Raina made him come. That didn't really bother her though, so what he wouldn't be playing video games for half an hour? This was really important to her and she needed all the help she could get.
Forrest sat down on the pink chair across from her bed, did some frantic typing on his jet black ASICS laptop and turned it around to face Holly. Raina was sitting on her bed adjacent to her, smiling, she was glad her brother was finally coming in use for once.
"You see this application icon?" Forrest asked Holly, avoiding eye contact at all costs.
Holly nodded.
"You're going to want to open this first; it's going to be on the top left corner of the principals computer."
"Wait, wait, wait," she said, "do you mean I am going t have to break in to the principal's office?"
"Well yes, that's the only place that contains the report card marks."
"There has got to be another way," Holly insisted, "can't you show me how to hack into his computer from here?"
Forrest looked her dead in the eyes. He was not impressed. She could tell. "I can figure out how to hack his security information to the point of getting you his password. I can't preform a miracle and completely hack the protection blocks reinforced by the school board. I dunno what you expect from me, I'm only thirteen"
While Forrest finished showing her how to find the grades and change them, Holly realized she might have to work harder than she thought to get into Quinn's clique.
To be continued...
tysm for reading, I will try to post the next chapter in the next few days:)

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