Chapter 3

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I was still pressed up against the wall and Pierre's jaw had clenched. His cheeks flushed red and was no doubt stinging from my unexpected, but deserved slap.

"Do not lay your hand on me again, doll. You will regret it."

I smirked, feeling proud that I stood up for myself with the man who was assigned to protect me. "Keep your hands to yourself, and we won't have a problem."

Pierre stepped back and nodded. "Which one is your room?"

I took a deep breath and moved away from the wall. "It's this way." He followed me to my old bedroom, and I could feel his gaze on my ass. I stepped aside and turned to face him. "Okay, you can go now.'

He grinned, and looked around before he treaded the room, finally focusing on the vanity mirror which had photos spread across the frame. Pierre's eyes caught on in particular and his attention shifted to me. "This is you?"

He pointed to an old photo of me on the bonnet of a classic Chevy with two of my best friends. I was twenty-one at the time. It wasn't the most flattering picture I had. My hair was placed in a loose bun and I wore glasses. My long legs were exposed with the short denim jeans I wore, and the blue top accentuated the curves of my breasts.

"Yeah, that's me." I narrowed my eyes. "Why do you ask?"

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "No reason." His attention shifted back to the picture. "Who are the other two with you."

"None of your business."

He stepped closer to me. "I can make this whole situation easy for you, or I can make it extremely hard."

Oh. Hard please.

"I will show you the same curtesy and respect that you have shown me."

I raised my brows. "Respect? Let's talk about respect, shall we? You clearly followed me to the Motel, how I have no fucking idea. Sat outside one of the doors all broody and sexy, watching my every fucking move." Damnit. I shouldn't have said that. "You pushed me into a van, tied me up, hurt me, threatened me and you're talking about respect." I took a deep breath, shook my head wondering where the fuck this courage was coming from.

Pierre's mouth slightly gaped open, clearly surprised by my little outburst. "I was doing my job. Now your job is to make my job easier. Like I said, doll. I can make this as hard as you want. I do not think your father will object me to using forceful measures to ensure your safety. And I have no reservations using them too."

I crossed my arms and my hip leaned to the side. "Forceful measures? Really? What kind of forceful measures are we talking here? Dragging me into the back of a van again?"

Pierre chuckled to himself and shook his head. "Oh, I am going to have a lot of fun teaching you respect." He stepped closer to me and used his whole hand to grab my face tight. "And you will learn it. I promise you that."

"Get your damn hands off me!" I swiped him away.

"Feisty!" He grinned.

I pointed towards the door. "Get the hell out of my room."

"As you wish. I have a lot of men that work for me watching your every move. Do not try to do anything stupid, doll." He stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"He's so fucking frustrating! Ugh!" I sat down on the edge of the bed, and took out my phone to call Arwen, my bestie.

Oh my God, girl. Are you okay?

Yeah, why?

Your dad called me up. I've been trying to call you. He was worried about you. Said you ran off or some shit.

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