Chapter Eight~ Why did you help me?

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Chapter Eight~ Why did you help me?

“Nononono. Are you serious?! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.” I started pacing around the room uncontrollably. I threw my arms up in exasperation. “Why didn’t anyone stop me? I’m donzo.”

“Can you just chill out for a minute? For the last time, I highly doubt people are going to remember who you are and what you did by the morning. And if you keep on pacing, you’re going to wear away the floor.”

He just earned himself a death glare.

“Forget you. I’m done listening to you.”

“Sweets? You couldn’t ignore me even if you tried.” He said propping up his hand to his chin and swiping a smirk upon his chiseled face.

Ugh calm down Kaylee. He’s probably right. Not about ignoring him, but everyone being too wasted to function. Just take a deep breath, get your stuff, and leave.

And with that I reached for my purse and gathered up my pride.

“Whoa missy where do you think your going? I though we already had this little exchange?” An arm blocked my view.

“Get off of me or so help me, I will scream. “

“Avery isn’t home you know. She left with Tanner.”

“Wow captain obvious, I wouldn’t have guessed. Thanks for informing me.” I stuck my tongue out at him. Wow childish much Kay? Ha he is a child, so I will treat him how he acts.

“Get away from me Jayden.”


“I’m not going to Avery’s house you nit!!”


“Like I’d tell you where I’m going. It’s none of your business, so leave me the fuck alone.” My voice cracked a little. Come on Kaylee don’t show your upset. He doesn’t care.

Jayden must have finally caught the hint and stepped back. I pushed him aside and thumped down the mahogany stairs. They’re actually very nice. I probably should have slammed my feet into the wood. It wouldn’t have surprised me if I woken up his parents. Actually it would’ve surprised me if they didn’t wake up from the yelling. Well screaming more like it. At least on my end.

I sauntered out into the twilight. The air brisk with the winter breeze. Ugh I really should have “borrowed” a jacket. I shrugged the thoughts of the night away and let me feet do the talking. Or walking. My frozen tootsies landed me right outside my old house. Except it was just a pile of trash now. I wandered to my backyard, which still held my old tree house. Oh memories. I remember the summers I spend up there with Avery and her brother. Goofing off, pulling pranks. Those memories were golden. The exact opposite of what it resembled now. Cold, dark, and abandoned.

I slipped off my shoes and launched them into the frozen, crisp grass. With a silent heave, I made my way up the old oak tree. With each step the memories of my childhood and my boyfriend came flooding back. Well, ex boyfriend now. Tears sprang into my eyes. Well that’s what I get for continually thinking about this lousy night.

I don’t know how long I fell asleep. All I know was that my body felt utterly exhausted from crying for so long and hard. I can’t let myself do this. I’m not getting anywhere! And then I heard a cough.

Dear god please don’t let it be him.

“Hey. Uh are you okay? Why are you sitting here all by yourself?”

Whew. A weight lifted off my thudding heart.

“Because this is all I have left of my childhood. You don’t understand.” I started sniffling again. Goddammit.

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