Chapter Five~My Project Partner

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Chapter Five~ My Project Partner


“Crap” I said aloud, smacking my palm to my forehead. I heaved my multi colored backpack over my shoulder and strolled into my Government class. I was already in an exhausted mood. I didn’t anyone to make my morning worse.


I tried to be nonchalant and slipped into my seat.  Oh but that didn’t help, of course.


“Hey baby. Why so quiet?”


Jayden’s velvet voice echoed around the classroom as he made his way to me.


“ Don’t tell me you’re shy now, are you?” That smirk erupted across his face and he shook his hair.


“Oh come on Kaylee, why so quiet?” He purred.


Gag. My god cant he take the hint? Go away.


Before I could stop myself the words just flew right out of my mouth.


“God go away and quit being such an ass.” I slapped my had again my mouth and looked down. “ I’m just really tired.” I mumbled.


Jayden got an annoyed look on his face and put his lips into a hard, cool line.


“Look here-


“ Everyone, hush its time for the Pledge of Allegiance” Mr. Dingle shut the classroom door and stood in front of the flag.


“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America.” The words flew out of my mouth without having tot think of them. Everyone has been taught to say it aloud since kindergarten.


The overhead speaker screeched and cracked. “ We may now take a moment off silence.” The mysterious voice boomed.


Jayden obviously didn’t care about some moment. He sat there and started to crumble up notes, using them as balls to throw at unsuspecting girls.


Such a flirt. I rolled my eyes and looked away.


“Mkay guys today I have a surprise for you.” Mr. Dingle started.


The class groaned.


“Now wait here, I think you’d all like this one. Its project time!” He cheered and started to gather up info sheets on his worn down desk.


“ Hey Ding, is this a group project?” Someone shouted across the room.


He pointed in their direction. “ Yes, but I already assigned partners. “ He passed out the last of the papers. “ I don’t any of you guys monkeying around.”


“Bull” “Awe come on man.” “What?”  I heard everyone grumble in response.


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