And They Were Roommates

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They got to the apartment and George was surprised by how big it was, it was bigger than his old apartment back in England.

"Whoa, this is bigger than I expected," George says and starts looking around.

"Ha, I know right. It is good to finally have someone here. Anyways, let's get you settled down." He directs George to the room he's going to stay in, it was already equipped with a made bed, drawers, and desk for his computer set up.

Clay walked out if the room to let George set his stuff up. While George was doing that Clay started to look at Twitter, he wasn't surprised by the hate he was still getting. He decided to keep ignoring it, but even so, it still affected him. You know the say 'sticks and stone may break my bones, but words can never hurt me'.
But words do hurt, especially if it's repetitive and people saying things to the point its a threat. As he kept scrolling through Twitter, he couldn't handle it anymore, he deactivated his account, uninstalled Twitter and powered off his phone. He then went to see what George was doing, hopefully, it'll make him feel better.

"Hey George, whatcha doin", he says slowly walking into his room, seeing George on the floor.

"Just finished plugging in my PC stuff. I'll put my clothes away later on tonight." He gets up from the floor. "What do you want to do?"

"We could watch a movie or show or something." He says unsure.

"Yeah, that sounds good. As long as I choose the show." He goes to the living room and picked up the remote then smiled at Clay.

"Of course you can, as long as it's nothing dumb," He says as he watches George put on SpongeBob. "No, this is a kid's show. How can you watch it?"

"SpongeBob is for everyone, I know you watched it."

"Yeah as a kid, then it got boring, but if you want to watch it, I'm down to watch it with you." He sat next to George on the couch.

George smiled and started the episode. Clay got back up to get some popcorn and came back with a big bowl of it a few minutes later. He placed it between him and George and they ate it while keeping their eyes glued to the TV.

They both reached for the popcorn and their hands collided. "Oh, sorry," Clay says with his cheek turning red.

"No worries" George looked at him and smiled.

After a few episodes George got some Twitter notifications and he decided to open some of them. He was shocked to see what happened, he looked over at Clay and spoke up.

"Clay", he says seriously, but concerned.


"Did you really deactivate your Twitter account?"

Clay was ashamed to tell George what happened, but he ended doing so. "Yeah, I did. I couldn't handle the hate anymore."

George gave him a sorry look "Clay, you should've told me it was still going on. I could've helped you through it."

Clay on the verge of tears "I know, I just didn't want to bother you anymore about it."

"You're my friend Clay, actually no. You're my best friend and I want to help you through whatever you're going through. You help me a lot and I want to do the same for you." Moved closer to Clay hugging him.

"Thank you so much for being there for me, I- I love you, George." Clay instantly covered his mouth and pulled away from the hug. His face was burning up, standing up looking away, he was scared to meet George's gaze. "I'm sorry", was all he managed to squeak out.

George stood up and walk over to Clay, holding both their hands together. "Clay, look at me."

Clay slowly made eye contact with George, then looked deep into his eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that"

"Why are you sorry? Friends can I say I love you. Unless, you didn't mean it as a friend."

Clay just looks away silently scared of telling George how he truly feels.

"Did you really mean it? Like as more than..." George moves close to Clay.

Knowing what George means, he nods "yes, I mean it in that way. I guess I felt that way for a while and was too scared to admit it. I don't want this to ruin our friendship."

Then he was met with George pressing his lips onto his kissing him softly. 

George pulled away and looked at Clay in the eyes. "I feel the same way Clay"


I really hope this came out good. I'm still like practicing this writing style. If you have any pointers please let me know.

Hope you enjoyed REEE :)

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