🏳️‍🌈Pride Festival🏳️‍🌈

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A/n: Since the Pride Month Events were canceled I thought maybe making a small short Story just for it, enjoy and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙💞💙

Third Person

Today was the day where love is celebrated to that anyone can love whoever they love. It was June first and all the Paladins got festive for the holiday. Shiro and his husband Curtis had made everyone pride flags, and shirts that they thought resemble them best. Keith got gay, Hunk got pansexual, Pidge got a non-binary, Lance got bisexual, and finally Y/N got Y/S (your sexuality). Veronica painted their cheeks with their sexualities as hearts.
  "You guys may want to hurry or we'll miss the parade," Shiro called to the young ones. They all left Shiro's house and gotten in their own cars and drove off to the street where the parade was about to be shown.

Y/N giggled as her boyfriend, Lance ran with her while holding her hand into the crowd. They got as close as they could but everyone in front of them were too tall, making it harder almost everyone to see.
  "Lance let's just go home we won't be able to see the parade anyway," Y/N sighed in disappointment and was about to leave until a certain someone picked her up and put her on his shoulders. No one was right behind them due to them being near the corner of the side walk.
  "L-lance what are you doing," Y/N stuttered as a deep blush now cover her face ear to ear. Lance chuckled.
  "We'll you wanted to see the Parade so I thought this would help," Lance smirked happily. Y/N softly laughed and looked towards where the first car appeared, many had all of the Pride flags and people dancing or doing what ever. The crowd cheered and laughed as tge parade began, confetti was shot in the air which caused Y/N to tense up. Lance noticed when she jolted in fright.

Lightly yet soft he let her down and looked at her, she was shaking. Ever since the war Y/N had been traumatized and had nightmares of everyone dying.
  "Hey hey it's alright Y/N were okay," Lance said in a soft comforting tone. He hugged her and slowly rubbed circles on her back.
  "It's just confetti, look" Lance enquired as he points to a confetti canon as it shot more. She looked at the confetti with astonishing eyes as it slowly fell around them, small bit of confetti falling in their hair. A smile plastered her face as she ruffled Lance's hair to get rid of the confetti in his hair.
  "Now that we got that out of the way you wanna go up?" Lance asked. She nodded and was put on his shoulders once more. Dye was thrown in the air in multiple colors, most landing on the two. Many people in the parade handing gifts such as shirts, keychains, hats, etc. Balloons were formed to make a hearts and the year. Tge others soon joined the two once they found them.

Pidge tackled Y/N into a hug as soon Lance set her down.
  "Oh my gosh Y/N they had a booth with friendship bracelets with prides we could make!" Pidge exclaim shaking the poor girl.
  "I'll be back Lance," Y/N stated causing him to pout. She saw her boyfriend upset so she did the one thing to cheer him up with a passionate kiss on the lips. Y/N left with Pidge leaving her stunned yet dazed boyfriend with all the others.

-Time Skip-

When the day ended Lance and Y/N went home and crashed onto the couch cuddling together.
  "Hey Y/N," Lance called out to his exhausted girlfriend. She hummed in reply not even moving from her position. Lance chuckled and gently lifted her chin to the point she was looking into his deep blue orbs.
  "I love you~" he said before kissing her. A deep blush now cover her face, although she would've gotten used to kissing him but she always shy during times.

She buried her face in the crook of his neck hearing his soft heartbeat.
  "I love you to you dork," Y/N replied quietly enough for Lance to hear. And slowly she began to drift to sleep with her loved one. Lance smiled softly and picked up his girlfriend, carrying her to their room setting her down gently on the bed as he blanketed her. He knelt down and admired all her features, her H/C hair, E/C eyes, her soft skin, in his eyes she was a masterpiece or an angel that was sent by god himself. He lightly brushed strands of her hair in front of her forehead and kissed her one last time before cuddling in bed with her.
  "Buenos noches mi amor~"

Unknown Secrets|| Lance X Reader Voltronحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن