Beware of the space Face-cream part 2

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A/N: Keep in mind that Lance is still a girl and that you both are in the red lion. But the others are outside getting the rest of the luggage. F/S- Favorite Snack. M/N- Male Name

Your POV

"LANCE WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR" I yelled at him a bit shocked and mad. I started to feel weird and dizzy when I finished washing the cream Lance smacked on my face, the side affects are worse on Galra was my theory.

"W-well I accidentally got some on my hand and you hugged me so I tried to push away since my other hand was stuck and-" Lance rambled till shushed him by placing my finger on his mouth.

"Just fly the lion" I said but my voice was deep, and my clothes felt tight. Very tight and it made it hard to breath, Lance was blushing.

"You got to be kidding me,"

"At least I am not the only one whose gender changed huh" Lance said nervously laughing. I glared at his response. "Well let's wait for the others to get the rest of my stuff" I said sitting near his chair, I felt him ruffle up my hair before he layed on the chair.

"Hey guys were back with th-" Drex said trailed off when he saw me. Including my mom who was standing next to him, they left everything at the front entrance and ran to me. "What happened to you," My mom asked.

I slowly turn to lance who is now sitting in his chair avoiding eye contact, "Let's just say I got smacked with the cream by a girl" I said laughing a bit. "Hey it's not my fault you were smashing me in your hug," lance said, he was blushing a bit.

"Can we get the rest of the stuff, I'm about to take off soon" he said hiding his face in his helmet. "Yes ma'am" I said playfully nudging him.

Once we finished finding my other stuff a compartment to be in my mom gave me two lunch bags for us, "Be careful out there". My mom embraced me, I did the same and they left the lion.

I heard a someone sniffling, "Are you crying"

"N-no I just got space dust in my helmet"

"Okay what every you say" I told Lance, I stood next to him while I held on to his chair.


"Yeah let's get back to the castle" I told him. We flew away from my planet as we made it to space, I saw some comets fly from a distance.

The whole fly was quiet till Lance broke it, "So what did your mom give you" he asked.

"Just a bit of my F/S and food she made, she also made a bag for you" I said handing a bag to him.

He put the lion on auto pilot while we ate F/S and the other stuff in our bags, I looked back at the necklace Hemchuf gave me. It was glowing blue then green, I hid it in my shirt so that Lance didn't see it.

Lance POV

I continued to fly red till I was the castle of lions, I was relieved to see it. I can finally lay on my bed and eat what ever Hunk cooks.

Once we landed I was embraced by Shiro who looked very worried, "S-shiro can you let go of me I can't breathe"

"Why do you sound differe-" he trailed off, then he saw Y/N who barely walked out as a guy. "What happened to you both and why aren't you back at the Blade" he asked.

(1 hour of explaining everything that happened at the Blade)

"I'm gonna analyze this cream, so we can try to get you two back to normal" Hunk said taking the cream off the table.

"Make sure not to get it on pidge, she's already small enough" I yelled out to him.

"Is it just me or is this room hot," the now male Y/N said, she just kept fanning herself with a stack of paper.

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