Happy Howl-oween

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A/N- This is after the war had ended you and Lance are together, this is a Halloween Special and I am still writing the next actual chapter for this if y'all still wounder. Since this a Halloween theme type of chapter I'm gonna make it a spook-tacular (I'll have some puns and jokes in the story so look out for those) now let's jump right into it, and Allura is not part of it since I'm sticking with the events that had happened.

Lance's POV 

HALLOWEEN, my favorite holiday in the entire universe since there are multiple of holidays for example the Arusians holiday of Halloween is exactly like it but instead of wearing costumes they would wear some sort of ritual uniform and bow down to a statue for some reason (Just like the scene when they called Allura their lion goddess). 

I ran to the closest to grab the to grab the costume I had bought, "This is gonna a Howl of a night" I chuckled to myself as I slid on the costume wich was easy to put on and the only thing left was the eye changing contacts and the werewolf teeth. I knew how to put on anything other than contacts, I knew Veronica wore some at some point but she's busy at the Atlas and her work so there was no way I could ask her. "Well it shouldn't be that hard right" I thought as I began to put the contacts on they were easier to put on than I thought then I put the werewolf teeth on and gazed at my new appearance into the mirror. 

"Lookin Sharp~" I said to myself, once I had left the room I saw Y/N washing dishes. While Pidge and the others were in the living room staring at me, they knew what exactly what I was going to do so they gave me weird hand signals to not go over there but I engorged them.

I crept from behind trying not to sell myself out, I gave her a tight hug before saying "GOTCHA". I was instantly elbowed in the chest before she grabbed me by my arm with the same look warrior look she when she was part of the Blade. "Identify yourself and how did you get in here" She said with a growl, I looked at the others who were now in the kitchen holding in their laughs for help. "Keith, Pidge guys you know me, tell her" I pleaded them but of course they decided to team up against me. 

"No we don't know this uh... werewolf" Keith said, Hunk nodded. "I never seen him in my entire life" Pidge said sipping on her coffee. I gave them the 'I hate you guys look' but I was grabbed by my scarf while being held by Y/N, and then she snatched the necklace that was given to her by Hemchef. "Where did you get this from" Y/N said with a deep growl as she continued to glare at me.

"Y/N it's me Lance" I said fixing my hair and taking off the ears and band off. She let me down slightly confused.

"Why are you wearing that" She asked, now she got me confused. "What do you mean, It's Halloween!" I said excitedly for the end part. "What's  Halloween?" She asked, everyone gasped except Keith, Corran, Romelle.

"Who even celebrates Halloween anymore," Keith said.

"Keith stop being a Jerk-o-lantern" I said and he just face palmed himself, I only got a laugh from Y/N and Hunk.

"I'm just saying that were a little to old to be doing that I mean I never even got to celebrate once nor ever celebrated Christmas, Easter, not even St. Patrick's Day" Keirh stated. I was shocked by him and what childhood he missed out on, Keith is our leader and he should at least live a little.

"Creeping it real Keith so don't go messing with the most popular Holiday in our universe" I protested, he just sighed.

"Well it's technically the second since Christmas beat it by a lot" Pidge stated. "But it's not about Christmas today because HALLOWEEN IS MORE SUPREME," I cheered while everyone groaned besides Y/N who giggled.

1 hour later

"Alright everyone show your game faces" I said confidently, everyone just glared at me. Y/N on the other hand was wrestling her dress she had received from me, she was sleeping beauty. I mostly chose the costumes for everyone, Pidge was Link, Keith was a Cosmic Wolf, Hunk Frankenstein, Kosmo was Scooby Doo, Pidge was Luigi, Corran was Garfield, and Romelle was princess Peach.

"Howl you all doin'?" I said with a wide smile, everyone groaned. Y/N on the other hand was pretty excited but looked uncomfortable in the dress she wore.

"Just peachy Lance, just peachy" Keith growled, Kosmo was being petted by Y/N. She talked to him but I wasn't able to hear since Pidge and Corran had a fight about who's costume was better. Y/N and Keith thinks that Kosmo can talk and including the Blade of Marmora, but honestly I think that it's just their imagination.

Your POV

I talked to Kosmo about nervous I was to go 'trick-or-treating' and how it seemed pretty odd to ask people for candy at their doors. "Human holidays are very strange," I told him, he set his head on knee while wagging his tail. "I know but who knows what's on the other side of the door and there could be an enemy there, we must stay alert at all time" I said, he woofed in reply. Kosmo doesn't speak with his mouth but he speaks in his mind or in anyone's mind for example he allows Keith, mom, and me to be able to hear him. Cosmic wolves tend to choose certain Galra that they truly trust care for them and soon create a unbearable bond between wolf an...

"Y/N!" a someone yelled bringing be back to reality.

"Are you okay we called your name about seven times" Keith said, he looked worried. I don't like to see him or Shiro like that, especially when something happens to me.

"I'm fine I just spaced out is all" I replied with a wide smile, luckily he smiled too. Once we were about to leave the mine and Lance's house there was a cold breeze that filled the air. It was strange at first when I had seen the white stuff fall from the sky. There was more of it on the ground, everyone danced happily as tossed the white stuff in the air. Keith, Romelle, and Corran looked at the others confused. "Come on guys join us in the snow" Hunk said laying in the white stuff while making some sort imprint of hisv body (technically a snow angle but Y/N doesn't know that). "So that's what the tiny white stuff is" Corran said fascinated, I glared at the specks that landed on me.

"But why is it so cold out here" Romelle asked. She began to shiver and rubbed her arms. "Well that's how the snow is supposed to feel like" Pidge stated.

I didn't really shiver as much and everyone seemed to notice that, they all seemed to study me. "How come you aren't shivering"  Hunk asked, I crossed my arms.

"Well Galra and easily adapt to cold environments but I never this kind of stuff before" I said, and they all seemed impressed. Besides Corran and Romelle since they technically knew that.

"Well we might as well have a movie night, plus that gives us more time to watch 'Pitch Perfect' " Lance cheered then ran inside, everyone groaned besides me. I love every movie Lance plays, I can't really choose a favorite since all the movies are pretty good.

Once we had gotten settled in the livingroom I layed next to Lance in my regular pajamas while everyone wore their clothes.

I was cradled in his arms the whole time not moving, he then fell asleep towards the end and everyone had already left. But I stayed put where I was, and that was because I never wanted to lose him again.

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