Meeting 'Capa'

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A/N- This takes us back to where are now, just to clear that out

Lance's POV

I was in Y/N's dorm relaxing with her, once we had gotten together it was Great! I would buy her small things almost everyday when I visited her, and our main hang out spot would be at her's or my room. 

Every day we would walk around the Garrison talking but mainly there would be some jokes I'd crack in time from time. "Hey Y/N," I said. She nuzzled before humming in reply, her doing that almost made my heart melt. "I love you so much that I'd fight the in the war with both my hands tied up" I said nuzzling the top of her head, she slightly giggled before going into slumber. Not after a minute she mumbled in her sleep which I could barely hear. "I...luv...too...Lance" she mumbled, by now her head was on my chest while our arms wrapped around each other. And to be honest this was the only time she was at peace. We stayed like that for a couple of hours till....

*click click click click*

We both shot up to see Allura, Veronica, Romelle, Axca, along with other girls who I don't know. "S/N HAS SAILED" Veronica squealed including the other girls, I became a blushing mess. "What is it with the girls and the S/N ship" Y/N questioned, Must protect I thought. So first off, as much as I love my sister, she can goes hardcore with stuff like this, second Y/N is and innocent child who didn't have a normal childhood, third if they corrupt her she'll end up like one of them. So of course I'll have to protect her. "Don't worry about it for now," I said. Out of no where a small fox with a weird symbol on it's head leaps out of nowhere then growls at the girls. 


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They Awed at the fox

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They Awed at the fox. "P/N it's alright their friends" Y/N said, the fox turned to her and made eye contact with her like as if they were talking. "You don't have to do that just teleport us" she said, the foxes paws had a blue flame that unharmed him. Then he jumped towards us, I embraced Y/N. "Lance it's alright we're fine" Y/N said with her usual bright smile, I look around to find us at my dorm. "H-how did- How are we in my room" I asked panicked, Y/N giggled. The fox came out and laid on my bed, I went closer to it then it yawned which was adorable. It was so soft so I decided to play with his paws, he opened his eyes to reveal baby blue eyes. "What's his name" I asked as I picked him up.

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