Part 11

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Mallika was sitting on her bed, not being able to fall asleep. She kept on thinking about Sumedh and everything that had just happened. God. Why do I keep thinking of him? I mean, I've never treated someone the way I treat him. And I've always just been so rude to him. We just never got off on the right foot. And the other day, me saving him and all, I don't even know what came over me. Maybe I should talk to him...try to make things right between us. If it wasn't for him today, I don't know what would have happened. But why does he keep coming up in my head everytime I try to push him out? He doesn't seem like a bad person...just annoying. I think it's time I need to confront and talk to him. Maybe we could be friends. With these thoughts she fell into a deep sleep.

On the other hand, Sumedh was also very confused. Why was I so uncontrollable today? Why did I care so much for her? I mean, I never liked her in the first place, but still. Today, when those gundas were misbehaving with her, I just couldn't stand it. Maybe I should try to make things right between us.

*Morning After*

Naira came to Mallika's house to just hang out and ask about aunty's health after last night. When she got to Mallika's room, she found that she was a big mess. She pacing around her room and mumbling to herself. "Whoa whoa whoa, what is going on here? Why are you so nervous? Did something happen to aunty?" Naira inquired, worried for Mallika.

"Oh thank god you're here. I was just about to come to you," Mallika said, looking up to see Naira, relief clearly shown on her face.

"Ok ok, calm down. And tell me what it is you need to talk about?"

"Ok look. You know how I've always been kinda mean to Sumedh and all. Well I want to make things right between us. But like I don't know how to start the conversation. Cause like everytime we start talking, we always end up fighting."

"Ok ok calm down. You just need to breathe and just blurt out everything in your head. Okay?"

"Ummm," Mallika wasn't sure if that was helpful, but she just decided to head out and face the consequences there. She saw Sumedh in the neighborhood street and slowly crept up to him.

"Uh, Hi?" she started. Sumedh, startled, turned around and lightened his face when he saw who it was.

"Oh it's you...everything all good?"

"Yeah, but I-need-to-talk-to-you!" she said in one breath, and pulled him to an isolated place. "I-I, umm, have to tell you s-something."

Sumedh, on the other hand, was having completely wrong ideas by this shocking behavior. Umm what is she doing?! Was she impressed by me or something?! Or is she changing her behavior after hearing I'm joining the CBI? Wait...I don't want her to do that!!! What if she's scared of me or something?! What's going on...

"After you saving me from that crisis, I realized that m-maybe I'm starting t-to---"

Sumedh widened his eyes at her words and immediately interrupted without thinking. "Hold up! What?! Are you impressed by me?! Are you trying to ask me out?!?! Because that's NOT happening. Like whatever you're thinking, it's like not gonna happen."

Mallika's face turned disgusted. "Excuse---"

"Like no. Omg. No no. That's why you didn't say anything to me last night. You were thinking about how to...propose to me?"

Mallika kept trying to interrupt to correct his thinking but he wasn't giving her a chance.

"Like I'm sorry, but like I'm already reserved."

"Listen!!! I'm tryi--wait what?! What did you say?!" she said, suddenly realizing his words.

"I said, I'm reserved. Look, if you're looking for something more than what we already have, it's not gonna happen. I'm already someone else's. Look I'm really sorry for breaking your heart, but there is another girl out there that means a lot to me."

At this point, Mallika was too shocked to even correct his assumptions. She felt some sensation inside her that made her feel almost..upset? No no no! What am I thinking?! I didn't even come here for that!! But...who is this girl?! Why didn't he tell us before?!

"Look it's a long story...about this girl and I...but if it makes it any better, I don't mind sharing..." Sumedh offered to read Mallika's face.

Mallika, on the other hand, was still too shocked to say anything. She slowly nodded her head, unaware of what she was saying yes to. "Well here we go...." With that, Sumedh explained the whole story: his mom, her friend, her daughter, his mother's wish about the girl and him, everything. Finally, he ended, and looked at Mallika. "So that's why I can't be with you. I'm sure you'll find someone out there. But I don't think we're meant to be--"

"YOU IDIOT?! That's not even why I came here!" And with that, she stormed off, clearly annoyed by his assumptions. What was he thinking?! That I--Mallika Singh--would fall for some idiot like him?! That stupid dream girl is right for him...there is not even 1% chance he will find her, nevertheless marry her.

Uh oh! Back to level 1 😂😂😂 How did you like the reactions? 

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