Part 10

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Mallika, unlike Naira, stood her ground, "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITHOUT MY CONSENT! LET GO OF ME!"

This sudden bold gesture startled all the gang members. With this, Naira successfully got out of the man's grasp and gave Mallika a look that was like I'll-go-get-help and ran off.

*Sumedh POV*

Sumedh and Samarth were busy in a late night video game duel, when there were desperate knocks on the door. "I'll go get that. Pause the game," Samarth said, getting up to get the door.

Sumedh paused the game and looked at his phone. It's so late. Who could it be at this time? He suddenly heard Samarth's voice rise, in a distressed tone. What is going on down there? I'm gonna go check. He made his way to the top of the stairs to hear Naira's shivering voice. And then he heard Mallika's name. Mallika!? He quickly made his way down and came out behind Samarth, who was hugging Naira.

"What's going on here guys? Is everything ok?" He freezed as he saw Naira sobbing.

"Some street gang has Mallika. Let's call the police!" Samarth said, concerned yet calm.

"No. That will draw attention and take longer. They'll be gone by then," Sumedh suddenly said seriously. "Wait Naira, how many are there?"

"M-maybe a-around six."

Sumedh gave Samarth a confident nod and they took Naira to know the location. On the way, Naira explained the whole situation.

Meanwhile, Mallika was trying to delay time by distracting them and hitting back. Please get here quickly Naira. I don't know how long I can hold them back. Suddenly, the main gang leader took a hold of her hair and dragged her forcefully towards the car.

"I warned you over and over again. But you...didn't listen. NOW STOP RESISTING! Or I'll have to do it the hard way!!"

Mallika used every muscle in her body to resist, but it seemed like finally the gang leader had won. He Narayan! Only you can save me now. But just as she closed her eyes, she instantly heard a clash noise behind her, as if someone was being thrashed onto the ground. She turned around to see Sumedh hovering over the guy, a completely different expression on his face. He looked up to meet Mallika's eyes and she was astounded by what she saw. The playful, annoying, calm Sumedh was replaced with a completely serious and focused one. Her mind was diverted when she saw that Samarth was also there, handling another man.

Taking advantage of the distraction, she quickly freed herself from the gunda's grip and ran to join Naira by her side. She saw in awe as Sumedh and Samarth began beating them up.

But she also realized a significant difference: Sumedh's fighting style was way more skilled and practiced. But how?! Her mind was diverted from these thoughts when she saw the gunda sneaking up on Sumedh. "SUMEDH! WATCH OUT!!!"

For a second, Sumedh was shocked to hear his name from Mallika's voice. It felt oddly soothing. But he immediately turned around to come face to face with the main gunda. "You're such a coward. Can't even fight face to face. And you don't even respect girls. Aai shapat, main tujhe aaj NAHI chodunga! (I swear on my mother I will not let you go today!)" He began punching and kicking the guy, completely uncontrollable. These disgusting people touched Mallika, and I'm NOT going to let them go easily. He repeatedly punched the main gang leader, until Samarth ran up to him and pulled him away.

"Bro...calm down. He'll die!"

"Main tumko nahi chodunga! Tum mere boss ko nahi jante. (I won't leave you. You don't know who my boss is.)" the gunda threatened, slowly getting up.

"Arey chal chal. Mereko jane ka bhi nahi hai ki tera boss koun hai. (Arey just go. I don't even want to know who your boss is.)" Sumedh replied, unfazed.

The injured gang took off limping as fast as they could, leaving the four of them in silence. Naira was in Samarth's comforting arms, safe and sound. And they both had their own silent moment. Sumedh came back into his senses and turned to face Mallika.

"Are you out of your mind?! Why would you go by yourself in the middle of the night?! At least take someone with you who can keep you safe!!"

Mallika just stared at the ground in silence, eyebrows scrunched in disappointment. Sumedh noticed this, sighed, and started gently, "Hey toofan, you were strong, okay? I didn't expect you to hold them back that long. That was pretty...impressive!"

He noticed as her face lightened up and a smile tugged the corner of her lips. She finally brought her eyes up to look at his face, just to fall right into the trap of his eyes. Sumedh, for the first time, observed the small flecks of gold in her chocolatey brown eyes. And they stayed like that. Staring at each other in silence. Each exploring and digging deeper into the wonders of each other's eyes.

"Hmm-hmm," Samarth said, clearing his throat. "If you two are almost done, I have a question to ask." Mallika, coming back into reality, leaped at least 3 feet away from Sumedh, as he also started scratching his neck. What just happened to you?! Just because he saved you doesn't mean you start expressing yourself to him!! Think Mallika! Think about all the annoying things he did!!

"Y-yeah...what's the question?" Sumedh asked quickly, to move on from the awkwardness.


Sumedh suddenly went into thoughts on whether to tell them or not.

"I-I was trained in martial arts since a kid actually..." he said, hesitantly. But everyone seemed to notice he was hiding something.

"But is that all...?" Naira asked, suspiciously. Sumedh was shocked that they were able to figure out his hesitancy. Only true friends would know the inner feelings of the other. I don't want to keep a secret from them. I can't be a bad friend.

"Actually...there is something I didn't tell you guys yet." Everybody, including Mallika, looked at him eagerly. "I'm actually going into training for the CBI soon," he said in one breath. For a second, everybody just stood there doubting themselves if they even heard the right words. But slowly reality dawned upon them.

"Bro...THAT'S LIT!" Samarth said, gleaming. Naira agreed with a bright smile. Mallika, on the other hand, was in complete shock. I've been fighting with....A FUTURE CBI OFFICER?!

"Uh, guys I already delayed a lot of time. Mumma's probably worried. I need to go back." 

Sumedh was confused by her reaction, but decided to give her space. But even then, he followed her back, staying a couple feet back, to make her reach home safely. Why is this girl bothering my mind so much?! Why do I feel like I'm not satisfied with her reaction? She didn't even say anything! Wait...why do I care in the first place?! She's a random girl. And remember Sumedh, you both don't even like each other.

With these troubling thoughts, the both of them went home. 

How was this CBI skill showdown? 😂 Drop you comments down below! 

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