"Damn.. Brie can you hand me a napkin?" She said with much alarm in her voice.

I walked up to the counter to pull a couple of napkins from the holder, and I returned to the table with haste.

She looked at me nervously for just a moment, as if she considered herself a total screw up for making such a large mess and she speedily began to scrub at her t-shirt to pull the stain out.

"Look at how big my boobs are! Just a few months ago I was in a B cup and now my DD's catch everything that falls out of my mouth. They'd probably be better at basketball than me."

I laughed at her response for seeming so openly about her body.

I disagreed aloud to her assumption.

"Nah. I've hear from some of the other girls that you're pretty good. I watched you at practice yesterday and they aren't wrong."

"Really?" she answered. I couldn't tell if she was being modest or if she was genuinely shocked.

"Who told you this?" she asked giving me more assurance of her shock.

"Oh! That girl Julia that always makes 3-point shots. She was giving me an intro to the girls a little bit better."

Olivia nodded her head in understanding and smiled a little.

"You know, she's a lesbian" she smiled and giggled a bit.

"Yeah. She made sure she told me that when further introducing herself."

Why did Olivia feel the need to tell me this?

"She's really a cool chick if you get to know her though. I was a little uncomfortable at first with the idea of her being lesbian but i realised she's really nothing like the stereotype. She acts so normal and not many people understand that about her, or anyone who is homosexual for that matter. Its really not fair."

"Preach it gurl!" the guy behind the counter yelled while waving his wash towel around.

She laughed at his spirit, and her smile was positively glowing.

Wow. She needs to just marry me already.

As we continued to talk, her nerves she displayed recently began to disappear.

"You ladies are positively adorable by the way" he spoke to the two of us.

Oh my God he thinks we are together..

Olivia and I looked at each other with gaping mouths and spoke with shaking voices.

"Ohh umm.. We aren't to- together." Olivia stuttered as the both of us blushed trying to plead our innocence.

Well it was really her innocence.

She turned and looked at me longingly and appologetically. She blushed heavily this time, and her face was red enough to match the cherry on top of our split.

Her eyes glittered with a strange sadness and I wondered..

Why does she seem so worried?

Suddenly, the front door opened up and a young stranger walked in.

"Olivia?" The stranger spoke out interrogatively.

Olivia peeled her fear-filled eyes from me and they transformed like magic into absolute gems as she took in the male figure in the door way.

He was tall but not awkwardly skinny.

He was well-toned and his tan arms were folded across his chest tightly to make his biceps a little larger.

His jet black hair spiked like thorns around his head in a messy sort of fashion.

His eyes were a deep ocean blue with a golden speckle in them, and all of Olivia's attention drowned in them.

"Damon? Is that really you?"

She stood quickly racing for him and pulling him into a hug.

I felt all types of anger and agression rush over me as I stared at them.

Damon pulled back with a smile of pearly ice and I saw as Olivia melted, right in front of me.

"Hey Olivia. Who's your friend? She's pretty cute" he said in an slightly cocky tone.

Ugh.. Fucking guys and their player mannerisms.

"Oh! That's my new friend Brieanna. Back off though man, she's mine" she answered winking at me.

Wait.. What?

I chuckled slightly feeling quite out of place in this 'straight standoff' in front of me.

"You and I should totally hang out though some time Liv." he said. This pissed me off more than anything.

That was my Liv, and my line.. She just wasn't aware of it.

"Come to my car real quick, I left my phone in there and I wanna keep your number on hand" he said winking at Olivia.

My heart burst into a flamming frenzy when she agreed.

"I'll be back in just a moment okay Brie?"

She smiled at me before she turned away and walked out the door.

I wanted nothing more at that moment than to bawl my eyes out, but all I could do was stare down at the floor.

"Damn, that's rough" the guy at the register said.

I didn't answer him. I had nothing to say.

"I'm sorry about calling you two out like that. I really thought the two of you were together. She seems so nervous around you that I thought maybe you two were on a date, ecspecially since you paid for her too."

This time I did answer.

"Yeah, well, I thought maybe this would turn out to be a date too. It was her idea after all. Apparently she's in to douche bags though."

"Well, that douche bag is pretty fucking sexy. He's taking your game away from you. Shame he's straight. We could've had so much fun together."

"Dude, your flamming so bad, its no wonder you haven't melted that ice cream back there."

He laughed and countered, "Yeah well your date took three bites of your ice cream and left. Look at how that shit's melting."

I looked over at the melty sundae and thought of how Olivia's possible interest in me might be melting the same way.

I cannot let that happen.

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