The Perfect Gift

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It was time for Olivia's sweet sixteen party. I had been helping her plan it for months as we continued to hang out more. We spent alot of nights at her place after practice because my mom decided that dumping me off on some other family was easier than her dealing with me. Fine by me, as long as I'm with Olivia and I get to avoid the beatings, I'll be fine.

Olivia's dad is gone. We aren't quite sure what happened, but he's been gone for about two months without leaving so much as a note behind. I honestly beleived this would be better for Olivia but she still refused to beleive so.

"Yeah I know he didn't treat me the best, but he's still my father. I should love him regardless and I do."

I knew she wanted to forgive him, but that was one thing he definetly did not deserve from her.

We sat on her bed, and I played with her hair, trying to decide how to style it later. Her shoulders were sad and shrugging forward, and I was kindof lost as to what to say.

I gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze like I always did when she was upset and I tried my best to be gentle when I spoke.

"Olivia, I don't mean to make you upset, but, your dad's not even here, and he's still making you feel miserable. Do you really want someone in your life like that?"

She leaned her head back onto me sighing.

"I don't know Brie."

"Well, you'll have plenty of guests here soon that won't want you moping over someone that makes you feel sad. Why don't you go ahead and run and take a quick shower okay? I'll help your mom with any other decorating outside and then I'll do your hair afterwards."

As she sat up to, I gave her a hopefull smile to which she responded with a genuine grin and something glittering in her eyes that I had been seeing alot more out of her lately. I'm not sure what it was but I just assumed she was greatful to have me here with her, and I was greatful to be able to make her feel better.

Then she hugged me. Tightly like an anaconda would, but it was a gentle squeeze that said 'please don't leave me'.

"I love you Brie, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I love you too Olivia."

She spun around heading to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

I took this opportunity to run out to my car and get Olivia's gift.

It wasn't much, just a little basketball that I signed like an autograph as a joke, a card with a little bit of cash in it, some gum, a bouquet of flowers, and a poster that one would hold up at a sporting event that says "Go Olivia!" I figured it could go in her room since there seemed to be not much else going on in there

I asked Olivia's mother if she had some vase I could put the flowers in. She smiled at me, said 'Of course!' and pulled one from out of a cabinet.

Ever since I've been hanging around Olivia more, her mom's been alot nicer to me. Olivia said that her mom thinks I'm a good influence or something like that?

Yet I'm in her home, under her roof, sharing a bed with her daughter, who just so happens to be the person I'm in love with. But still, nice lady!

"You know", she started as I poured some water into the vase. "Olivia loves flowers. She always blushes if someone gives them to her. She loves the idea that someone thinks of her enough to do that for her."

"Well, Olivia is a very important girl to me to say the least."

I felt myself blush as I tried to hide the truth from her mother.

Depressed for Love (Lesbian story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя