The Change of Pace

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I shook myself out of my transe quickly in order to accept the invitation to shake her soft hand. I was so positively amazed at the priceless work of art standing before me, and offering her kindness, i grasped her hand shyly. The shake seemed to go on forever, and i just took the time i was given to take in her features.

Her eyes were like two tiny black mines overflowing with glittering flecks of green emeralds.

Her face was a perfectly rounded shape with highly raised dimples and cheekbones.

Her smile shone brighter than the brightest star in the galaxy and she had teeth as pearly white as polar caps.

Her hair was loaded with thick beautiful Hawaiian waves and covered her shoulders even though pulled back in a ponytail.

Her skin was a fair and royal white with a small flush from her running to the gym.

Her scent overwhelmed my senses with a sense of salvation, freedom, and for once, happiness.

I could not pull my eyes from hers, and i was dying to kiss her right then and there. I struggled to come up with something clever to say to her so she would hopefully like me. I came up with many clever sayings, but all i could say was..

"Uhhhhh.. I- I'm B- brei.. Anna!"

The last part i said strangely loud and i immediately felt myself blush as she laughed at me.

She thinks i'm a freak now.. Shit!

I suddenly realized i had probably been holding her hand for a very long time too, and i quickly jerked it away and appologized for my wierdness.

"Awh that's alright. Since you're new blood, you're probably kinda nervous. I get that." she said these words genuinely and smiled that beautiful smile at me again.

God stop being so perfect Olivia!

Coach Bill announced that we needed to quit talking and start our work for today.

"Brieanna you just follow along as best as you can", he announced like an embarrassing father.

As we got set up for our first drill, i stood aside to watch how it worked. Then i felt a nudge in the ribs, and i turn to see Olivia looking at me. She leaned close to my face in a slow and seductive way.

Oh my god.,. Is she gonna... Kiss me??

I closed my eyes and prepared for whatever bliss was about to occurr untill i felt her hot breath on my ear. Then she whispered "dont worry about keeping up, i'll help you out."

I sighed with disappointment as she backed away, but i was quickly reimbursed with happiness from a wink coming deep within her emerald mines. She turned and walked away to participate in the drill.

Was that a flirt??

"Hey Brie, watch how we do it." She said.

I could watch you all day..

I couldn't help but stare at her perfect body as she glided smoothly through the athletic motions, and i noticed also a few of the other girls catching me staring at her.. I got worried when the 3-point shooter, Julia, walked over to me to talk.

She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak. I felt terror welling in my chest in suspense of her interrogations, but she simply started with, "Hi, i'm Julia."

"I'm Brieanna" i said this time in a more calm tone than with Olivia.

Julia was much shorter than me, but she was built! It was obvious that she worked out alot aswell. I figured a compliment on her wouldnt be too rough to experiment with. But my word choice may not have exactly been sublime at hiding my sexuality.

"Dude nice bod! You are fucking ripped for a chick!"

Here we go again...

She looked at me with little shock. She knew she was buff, and I admired her confidence.

"So Brieanna." She began. "What do you think about Olivia? She's probably one of the best players on the team. Last season she had three different colleges after her."

"Yeah, she looks pretty damn good." I said in the context of how she actually looked rather than her performance.

"She goes to Lively Oaks High school and has the highest GPA in her class! I beleive it's like a 4.5 with her bonus college courses."

Wow... Pretty and smart. I like this chick alot!

I just kept nodding my head in hopes she would stop telling me so many great things about Olivia, but then she said:

"Oh I amlost forgot to mention, she's single!"

My head quickly jolted towards the teasing Julia, and I immediately regretted it.. DAMNIT!!

"I knew it!! You're gay!!" She said with a cocky confidence i now hated. i attempted to deny it, but my blush just got hotter and redder.

Finally she set my mind at ease.

"Dude chill, I'm gay too. There's no hate going on here. I could just tell by the way you carry yourself and the way you stand and talk that you definetly are not into guys."

Finally someone who understands!

"Yeah you caught me." I said to her smiling.

She laughed and said "Look I can tell you this right now. You and I are the only two on this team who don't like guys. I know that everyone else has a boyfriend and they are crazy about them. Except for Olivia. Come to think of it, i'm not sure if she's straight or gay."

My heart raced at the idea of her running up to me and hugging me every day she saw me. I imagined the many times we'd sneak off durring breaks to sneak in some kisses, and the rush and thrill of keeping it hidden from our teammates, coach and parents. I imagined having her pinned against a wall, us smiling and laughing together as we passionately kissed. I imagined she loved to be teased so i'd nibble on her lip, and then stop untill next break. She'd become hot and flustered and push and play around with me as we laughed at our secret love affair. We wouldnt be able to focus on practicing because we'd always be partnered up on opposite teams. She would force me out of the way with her butt, and I'd slap it if no one was watching. She'd turn and grin because she knew she'd get me next time down. Then when my back was turned, she'd lightly scratch the back of my neck to distract me with a shiver in my spine. Then she'd...


I was startled as Julia tried to shake me awake.

"Brie, your face is red hot. Are you okay??"

I looked at her and smirked comfortably.

"Oh I'm fine" I winked at Julia. I then looked across the court and noticed Olivia flagging me on to try a new partner drill with her. I looked to Julia again and before I ran on I confessed, "I was just imagining how 'great' this season is going to be."

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