Boyf riends- Accepted Trans!Jeremy

Start from the beginning

Michael's POV
Jeremy is trans. And I am 100% supportive of him. I honestly always
kinda got that vibe from him, he just, didn't seem comfortable in his own skin. And now we are just looking into each other's eyes. I really like Jeremy's eyes, one is green and one is blue. I think it's adorable. He thinks it's weird.

I like him a lot, I mean, what's not to like? He's funny, kind, caring, a little shy, and most of all, he's beautiful. But obviously he doesn't like me back, I mean, what could he see in someone like you? You're lucky he's even your friend. Even better, your best friend. I hear my moms call us down for dinner and we get up and go downstairs.

(Michael's moms names are Elaine and Fawn because y e s Bold=Elaine Italics= Fawn Underline= Jeremy)
I can feel Jeremy get nervous so I take his hand in mine.
"Hey, it's ok, I'm here, and we don't have to do this if you don't want to."
"N-no. I can do this."
"Ok, if you say so."
We walk down the steps, holding hands, but not like fingers together, just like, hands crossed.
"Hi Michael!"
"Hey, mom!
"Hey Michael! Oh and Jennie!"
I look over at Jeremy for permission to tell them. He nods.
"A-actually, it's Jeremy."
"Who's Jeremy? I'm pretty sure that's Jennie-"
"I uh, I'm Jeremy? I-I'm trans?"
I realize we are still holding hands, so I give his hand a little squeeze.
"Oh cool!"
"Oh my god that's amazing! Are you on the shot? Do you have any of the surgeries?"
"Th-thanks, and no, I don't have any of the things although I would like them.....c-could we talk about something serious?"
I squeeze his hand again. God, it feels good to hold his hand. It's nice and warm, and his skin is soft. Jeez, I'm weird.
"Well, uhm, could I please live at your house for the time being because my mom kicked me out for being trans? And she hit me- and mentally abused me-"
"Holy FUCK! Of course you can stay here! That's horrible!"
"Th-thank you so much, I-It really means a lot to me"
"Of course!"
I'm so happy that my moms except him too.
Jeremy's POV
aaaaAAAAA!!! Ok, so, Michael's moms except me, they are letting me stay over, and I'm holding Michael's hand!!!! Ok, it's in a platonic way but who cares. I'm feeling a lot better now. I should probably get going to bed now.

(In a nightmare)
Michael stands in front of me, looking very angry.
"Fuck you, Jennie! You fucking tranny! I don't know why I ever became friends with you!" He walks up to me, crumpled on the floor as he begins to kick me. Hard. "I bet you're also a faggot and that you like me! Disgusting." He calls some other people over and I look up to see all of the people I love, kicking me for being who I am.

I jolt awake, my face soaking wet with tears. I run over to my emergency backpack and open it. I take out my blade and run to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I pull up my sleeve and run the blade across my skin.
I keep going until I hear a door open.
Shit. Michael's face goes from looking worried to looking horrified. I immediately drop the blade.
He runs over to me and wraps me in a big hug. He immediately starts sobbing into my shoulder.
He's not angry, just very upset. Who wouldn't be upset walking in on their best friend self harming?
"B-bad dream..."
"Jeremy you have to stop. I will do anything to make you stop. I love you so much and it hurts me so bad to see you hurt, let alone see you hurt yourself."
He loves me.
"Y-you- I- I'm sorry Michael..."
He looks over at my arm. He grabs a towel and soaks it in warm water. He places the towel on my arm. He stands up and picks up the blade.
"This- is unsafe. I'm throwing it away."
Michael's POV
I just walked in on Jeremy, my best friend of 12 years, crush of 5, self harming. I'm trying my best to help, but I've never been in a situation like this before.
"Jeremy you have to stop. I will do anything to make you stop. I love you so much and it hurts me so bad to see you hurt, let alone see you hurt yourself."
It's all true. Every single word.
"Y-you- I- I'm sorry Michael..."
I soak a towel with warm water and place it over the cuts. I pick up the blade.
"This- is unsafe. I'm throwing it away."
I walk over to the nearest trash can and throw the blade in.
"I-I don't know what else to do....Jer."
I used to call him Jen, but it's now Jer. Only a one letter change.
"I- you said you loved me earlier...and-uhm, for the record, I love you too.."
My heart flutters. 'I love you too'. He loves me... most likely platonically.
"Y-yep, Ill put a bandage over the cuts and we can go to bed?"
He seems nervous. Of course he's nervous, you just caught him self harming.
"Uhm, the guest room isn't available right now, so um, you either sleep on the floor o-or you can sleep with me in my bed-"
Oh god.
"I- I um don't really care..y-your bed I guess?"

I leave to get the bandages and while I'm getting them my brain gets to imagine. What if we cuddle- no, he's straight. I get the bandages before quickly walking back. I move over to Jeremy and take the towel off of his arm. I grab a clean dry towel and dry his arm before I wrap the bandages around his arm. After I finish, he immediately wraps his arms around me. I hug him back and we stay like that for a moment.
"Ok, let's go to bed now." I say

I can tell he is already starting to fall asleep. I decide to pick him up and carry him to bed. I walk over and gently place him down on the bed. I get in the bed beside him and fall asleep.

Jeremy's POV
I wake up to find myself cuddling with someone. I quickly realize that someone is Michael and my whole face goes red. Fuck. I'm nervous. I want out of the situation, but also absolutely want to stay. No, I just want to stay. I snuggle closer to him as I put my face in his hoodie. I listen to his breathing and I become calmer. But then my calmness is ruined when I hear the sounds of someone waking up. I start to panic as I pretend to be asleep. Then I feel him pull me closer as I try my best to suppress a squeal. Then-

Oh my god


I can suppress my squeal any longer. I let out a loud and very high pitched squeal.

Michael's POV
I wake up to see Jeremy cuddled up into me. A great thing to wake up to, in my opinion. He looks so comfortable and adorable...god, I wish I could kiss him- no, don't think like that, Michael. He's straight. But he's just so cute, curled up like that...he's asleep, a little kiss on the forehead won't hurt, right?

I was wrong.

3rd person POV
The two boys quickly push themselves away from each other, yelling many sorry's and I didn't mean to's. They quickly realize what they are doing and they stop talking and blush equally as hard. They slowly inch back towards each other until their faces are practically an inch apart. Jeremy ends up closing the gap between them, pulling Michael into a kiss.

He quickly pulls away, staring into Michael's deep brown eyes while his green and blue ones quickly fill with tears. He sits up and gets out of the bed, attempting to leave the room. The taller boy jumps out and grabs the shorter ones wrist. "Wait! Jer!" Jeremy turns around to face Michael. Michael steps forward as he places one hand on Jeremy's hips and grabs his chin with the other. He slowly pulls Jeremy's face forward before touching his lips to Jeremy's.

At this point, Jeremy is redder than Michael's hoodie. He kisses back and tilts his head just enjoying Michael and everything about him. They stayed like that for a while before Jeremy had to pull away for air. "I-uhh-Micha I-I'm-I-ummm-mmmm-" Jeremy stutters out. "Ohhhhhh fuck- Jer did I do something wrong? Did someone dare you to kiss me? Fuck, I'm sorry- I just thought that maybe you liked me...?" Michael looks down in embarrassment as he starts to tear up. Jeremy reaches down and takes his hand. "Hey, it's ok, it wasn't for a dare and I've liked you for a while now; I don't know how I can prove that to you, but I will. I love you, Micha. So much." Jeremy goes and softly kisses Michael's cheek. Michael flushes red and squeezes Jeremy's hand. They spent the rest of the day just acting cute around each other. The two are happy together.

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