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Dylan Parker

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Dylan Parker

Born- March 27

Age- 15

Description- very sassy, sarcastic and extremely rude, carefree,high self esteem, incredibly confident, strong-willed, and social. She can at first come off as really petty, self-centered and pushy but after spending more time with her you realise she is incredibly caring and always willing to help. She is always curious, really forgetful and irresponsible. She will never sugar-coat anything and is always blunt and straight to the point. Contrary to popular belief she has never had a boyfriend and really doesn't want that at this point in her life. She has cute baby-doll eyes that gets her anything from anyone. Also a skilled gymnast and dancer.

 Also a skilled gymnast and dancer

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Cody Parker

Born- June 4th

Age after birthday- 16

Description- May come off as brooding and quiet to those who don't know him but to hie friends and family he is literally the definition of evil mastermind definitely someone every one wants on their team for prank wars, game night and every other competition because if he is on your team no matter how bad the other team members are he will find a way to make sure the team wins he never loses anything. he is very competitive, mean, private, surprisingly pretty funny, is definitely the most responsible of the whole parker family -yes including may- intimidating, passionate, smiles a LOT, generous, apparently charming to both girls and boys -peter and Dylan strongly disagree- and was on a lot of sport teams back in England. Plays basket ball, soccer, baseball, does swimming, does track and will probably join the football team in his new school. Has a girlfriend back in England names Savanah May. Could pull off the puppy dog eyes but insists that "only desperate bitches need that i can use my more efficient persuasive skills instead"


So we all know that Cody and Dylan apparently just arrived from somewhere after 5 years. 5 years before this story May and Ben Parker where seen as "unfit" to raise 3 children so at around May that year the two youngest who were both 10 (dylan had had her birthday already and her and cody are not up to one year apart) where taken to a newly opened foster home in England to stay with their new foster parents which is why in the Youtube video im writing they both have british acents. 

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