Chapter 6: The 2 Ply-14 Micron Sweater

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Her mouth dropped as she entered the building, the same effect occurring as when she walked inside of the Museum of Cultural History. The wood floor and accents were polished, the ceilings were tall and everything looked so—so nice.

"Well, this is where most of us reside. Some students commute, but most of us live on campus. We have a dining hall around the corner and our classes are across the way in the two large buildings."

As Ben led her down the halls, Evie zoned out, barely listening to his words. Instead, she tried to get a glimpse of every little thing. Other students seemed to completely disregard her awe of the dormitories. Complete in a daydream, Evie didn't realize how far behind Ben she had gotten until she ran into another student.

One would think that as the prim and refined Princess she was, that she'd be a little more graceful. Ben turned to where Evie once again had fallen to the floor, a boy in a baby blue sweater looking around for any witnesses.

"Evie!" Ben said as he came to her side and helped her up. "I'm so sorry. I thought you had been following along. I guess I was just so focused on a plan that I was not paying enough attention." The boy in the sweater uncrossed his arms and eyed Evie, a bright smile suddenly on his face. As she stood up, Evie found herself focused on the blond haired boy that she swore was wearing genuine cashmere.

"Prince Chad Charming. I take full responsibility" he said with a bow toward Evie. "Ben, I didn't see her from around the corner," he said, putting his hands up to the Prince of Auradon. The Prince of Cinderellasburg knew how power worked even if he wasn't a fan of Ben becoming King soon. He was at most only going to be let off with an acknowledgement of paying attention, but one could never be too careful around people of high power.

"Chad, It's my fault, I accept my responsibility. Evie's new here and she was supposed to be under my watch," Ben explained. Evie looked from Chad to Ben, in utter disbelief. She had fallen because she had been in her own world. Not because of either of them. But just as the Princes they were, Evie relished in being who they fought responsibility over. She was flattered.

"Where is she from? I've never seen blue hair around here," Chad said, quickly checking his statement. "I mean it's such a rich hue and looks so silky."

"The 'burbs." Evie blurted, her words interrupted by Ben's.


Ben looked to Evie and Evie looked back.


"The 'burbs."

They both awkwardly chuckled, Ben instead of Evie spoke up. "She's from Charmington. You know the suburbs around Auradon city. She's an old friend of... Doug's."

"Cool, I guess... So I'm good right?" Chad said, starting to walk away. Ben nodded his head and Chad sent the two of them charming smiles before quickly turning the other way and leaving the building.

Ben glanced at Evie. "Well that wasn't too bad. I guess you're from Enchancia now. But we should really hurry to my office before we met someone else—" Ben sighed as he saw a girl with a blue headband and a short bob that barely hit her chin, walk down the steps.

"Ben! I've been looking for you! Well more like Lonnie and Doug are. I heard about the field trip. They were keeping some kind of secret from me, though. Who's she? I know Audrey's annoying, but is she Audrey's replacement?" Jane rambled as she met the two in the hall. Ben groaned and turned to Evie.

"Jane, this is Evie. I'll tell you about her in my office with the others. Please keep it down. I guess since you already have noticed her, you'll find out exactly who she is," Ben said, his voice in a low whisper. He offered Evie his hand, an strange action to Jane, but she followed the two up the stairs. Walking with them, Jane found herself observing Evie. Something seemed a little off about her.

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