"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about," Luke clenched his fists as he turned to walk away. He did not have the patience to deal with Michael and just wanted to get home and shower.

Michael pulled Luke back by his shoulder and turned him around, "Oh I'm pretty sure you do, I saw you fight Blade and he almost beat your ass. If you're bringing her into your life and he's back, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?"

"Shut the fuck up," Luke seethed as he continued to glare at him.

Michael smirked as he noticed Luke's reaction, "Are you dumb Luke? He's the one who tried to kill you and came after my family! He's a murderer for christ sake!"

Luke dug his nails into his hands, trying to resist the urge to deck Michael in the face, "Get the fuck out,"

"Seriously Luke, why would he come back almost two years later. He's dangerous and you know it," he seethed, completely fed up by Luke's ignorance, and pointed a finger in Luke's direction, "He's only wanted one thing from the start—you, dead!"

"I'm not fucking scared of him and she won't get hurt,"

"Think what you want Luke, but pretending you can protect her from everything is idiotic and unrealistic," Michael rolled his eyes. Luke was still extremely stubborn and Michael knew it would only get himself and others hurt.

"Unless you want a broken nose Michael, I suggest you leave," Luke scowled, he could feel the skin on his palms breaking as he dug his nails into the skin.

Michael raises his hand hands in defense, "I honestly don't give a fuck about what happens to you Luke, I'm only trying to get it through your thick skull that you're being an idiot. I've heard how her friends talk about her and that girl doesn't deserve anything you'll drag her into. We both know what he's capable of, and she doesn't deserve to witness that. Hell, my family didn't deserve that, we let you stay to get away from—"

"You know that wasn't my fucking fault,"  Luke was holding onto a sliver of patience and was about to snap.

"Yes it was! You're the reason we moved out here in the first place and you're the one who joined the gang. I really thought you wouldn't get into that shit after what happened with your b—"

Michael was cut off and fell to the ground as Luke punched him in the nose. Michael was cradling his nose, "Just leave me the fuck alone," the blonde spit.

"You're a fucking dumbass Luke! You're gonna get her hurt!" he yelled as a last resort while Luke stormed away.

Luke realized he'd parked his car in an empty lot, the one in front of the gym he regulars. He arrived in fifteen minutes instead of twenty, and if he wasn't so consumed by his rage he would've cursed himself for speeding, but he couldn't care at the moment. He ripped the keys out of the ignition and made his way to the glass, front doors.

He sifted through the keys on his keychain, getting more frustrated as he struggled to find the one his trainer gave him to the gym, for whenever he wanted, as he was the owner.

Once he ripped the door open he made it to the room at the back of the gym, going into the usual ring he practices in. He didn't bother with gloves, and threw one of his already bloodied fists at the hanging bag, he felt onlynolf rage and memories resurface, memories he tried so hard to repress. He put all focus into the furious punches he threw.

Evelyn was passed out on the couch, cuddled with Finley while the end credits to Shrek played on the tablet propped on the coffee table. Her eyes fluttered open as she heard her phone ringing next to the tablet. She reached out and saw the time before she answered, 12:36.

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