1| A New Beginning

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A/N: This is the sequel to "I May Look Like A Boy, But I'm A Girl!"


[ Three Years Later ]

I walked down the dark, eery halls of the hideout. Today was the day I would escape this wretched place once and for all. After three long years of staying in the damn place, all those days I spent planning my escape step-by-step... I could finally make it happen.

My soft steps echoed slightly each step I took. I walked over to a door and looked side to side. Good, no one's here. I tapped the door three times, a signal I used with my only "friend" in this place.


I smiled softly at the nickname he gave me all those years ago. I have no clue on how he came up with Ji-chan when my names Kanji. Still, it is a pretty cute name to have I guess.

"Yes, it's me." I whispered, quietly.

The sound of the latch being removed from behind the door was quiet enough to not attract attention. I smiled very faintly as the door was opened, welcoming me in. I walked inside only to come face-to-face with my "friend."

He wrapped his arms around my frail yet curvy waist, "Do you really need to leave, un?" He asked, running his hands through my hair, calming me a bit.

I smiled up at him, cupping his cheeks with my hands. "Mhm, I do. It was a decision I made not to long ago, Deidara. You should know that by now." I said, pushing his hair out of his face, showing his one blue eye and his scope.

Deidara frowned at my explanation, he knew that I had to leave one day. I didn't belong here. That is why he agreed to help me escape when the time came. He pulled me into his chest, hugging me tightly. My eyes widened.

"I know, yeah. I just don't want you to leave. Who will help me bother Tobi? Who's going to be here when I need help? No one, un." He stated, placing his chin on top of my head. "You were the only light I had in the damned place, un."

Slowly, but steadily, I wrapped my arms around his body. Over the past few years, I changed and was not the same. My twin brother - whom I hate with all my heart - failed in trying to entertain me throughout the years. He tried training me himself, but I always surpassed him or tried to kill him.

After so many times of trying to murder my brother, he stopped having those training sessions with me. Leaving me to have more time on my hands, explaining how I became friends with Deidara. At first, we didn't get along with each other very well. I had tried to kill him various times as well, but I could never really kill him.

You could say I have this habit of killing people, well trying to kill them at least. I grew distant from others, got colder, more murderous. It sums up most of the ways I changed during my time here.

"I'm...I'm..." I fumbled over my words, not being able to say those three little words.

"You don't have to say it, Ji-chan. I know it's hard for you, un." He said, pulling back and kissing my forehead. "I understand your decisions... I really do, un."

Deidara let his arms drop to his side, he turned away and sighed. I eyed him sadly. This was hurting me more than I expected it to, I don't understand why.

"You can go now. I'll make the distraction for you, un." He said, "Go, un."

I turned around and began to walk away, guilt eating me up. Should I really just leave? I-I.... I spun around and threw my arms around Deidara's back.

"I-I'm sorry!" I blurted out, something wet dripping down my cheeks.

Deidara removed removed my arms from his body, I felt a twinge of hurt bite at my heart. He surprised me by kissing me on the lips. I shut my eyes and kissed back. It was a slow, passionate filled kiss, mixed with both of our feelings. We parted for air while staring into one another's eyes.

"Ji-chan, thank you for the apology, un." He smiled, pecking me lips. "I really am going to miss you around here, it's going to be completely different, un. You even went as far as to cry for me..."

My eyes widened. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to my cheek, making me feel the wet tears on my face. "You see, un?" He asked.

I nodded, beginning to sob softly. "D-Deidara!" I cried, burying my head in his chest. "I-I'm sorry! Please...please don't l-leave me!"

Deidara pet my head softly, "I'm sorry too, yeah. Why don't we make a deal." He said, catching my attention. "When you leave I can promise you one thing... I will visit you every now and then, no matter where you are, un."

I sniffled and shook my head. "Why, why is it that you still bother doing such things for me?" I asked, giving him a questioning look.

Deidara smirked, "Because I love you, un." He stated.

I gasped as my eyes widened larger than before, "Y-You love me...?" I whispered, shocked he had these feelings for me all these years.

He nodded. "Ever since the first time I met you, un. I couldn't keep my eyes off you, yeah." He explained, chuckling softly.

I had to admit that over the years I did grow feelings for this blonde headed boy. Before I could say how I felt for him, an explosion went off not to far away. Both of us jumped and looked outside the door where smoke flooded in.

"Deidara, were those the bombs you planted?" I asked, hoping they were the ones he was going to use for my distraction.

He shook his head, "No, those weren't. The ones I planted were on the north side of the base, not the south, un!" He shouted, panic lacing his voice.

Impossible! Why would there be an attack now?! "Deidara-" I tried once more to say my feelings, but another explosion went of in the room next to us. The wall shattered and rubble flew around.

Deidara's eye widened, "Ji-chan, run now." He ordered, glancing back at me as he stood in the broken doorway.

I shook my head, "I won't leave without you." I said, determination in my voice.

"Go now, un!" He shouted, pushing me. His eyes held sadness. "While you have the chance, un!"

Tears filled my eyes, "O-Okay, Deidara. I'll miss you." I said, walking back.

He smiled, "Goodbye, Ji-chan... I'll see you around." He said, just as the ceiling collapsed, separating the two of us from one another.

"Deidara!" I screamed, I shook my head. "I'll miss you so much... I really will."

I started to run towards the north side of the base, away from the destruction going on. There outside the north bases entrance will be my clothing, weapons, and mainly everything I had while staying here. There was hardly anything though...

I leaped out of a window that would lead outside much quicker, as soon as the sun hit my eyes. I spotted something very shocking off in the distance. There stood Orochimaru and a very familiar face.

Sasuke Uchiha.

My very first crush from when I was in the Hidden Leaf Village. He stood there with a blade in his hand, he was facing Deidara. I shook my head furiously, there was no going back now. Deidara is strong enough to protect himself from Sasuke.

My long dark brown waist length hair flowed around behind me as I ran to my belongings. I leaped off of the Hideout and landed on a branches tree, where my belongings were. I grabbed my bag, tossing it over my shoulder. I glanced back one last time at Deidara, and at the hideout where I spent three year's in.

"Goodbye..." I said, leaping away.

This is my new beginning.

I May Look Innocent, But Am I? || Naruto Fanfic [Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now