Know me? I know You

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I apologise to those people who had to change to this account to read the story >.< deeply sorry about that

I would also like to thank my editor ( =.= cause ya'know im not that good with spelling :L thanx June!! )

“Slave 072-361, step forward” a man’s voice booms from in front of me

I step forward quickly like normal, they stab a needle into my skin and continue calling out to the next number

“HURRY UP, MOVE IT!” a man yells at me as I take a second to think about the jab of pain they just inflicted. I hurry along before they have a reason to get rid of me. They cuff my hands and lead me- along with a couple others to a cell inside the giant truck. When they’re ready to leave, they gas out the place and everyone fall into unconsciousness. I sigh once again as my eyes fall shut.


“UP, GET UP!” a man yells from above me as he jabs a flaming rod into the side of my chest, the burning sensation stings but I refuse to let that stop me. I instantly stand up ready for more orders.

“Just as well, you were about to become trash, JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOU SCUM!!” the man declares in my ear while prodding another slave awake. I notice one slave at the back refusing to take it anymore, he’s attacking back. I turn away waiting for the silence of his voice, he yelps out in pain and I refuse to take my eyes off the metal bar in front of me.

“LISTEN UP” the leader yells above everyone else’s voices “FROM NOW ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WILL BELONG IN DIFFERENT PLACES, THE ROYAL FAMILY HAS ASKED FOR A LARGER AMOUNT OF SLAVES. YOU ARE THOOSE SLAVES- IF YOU IGNORE THEIR ORDERS YOU CAN EXPECT DEATH!” he continues with his threatening glare lingering on a couple of faces. “SOME OF YOU WILL BE UNDER ORDERS OF THE DISTINQUSHED FAMILIES, THE SAME RULES APPLY. Now slaves through 072-300 to 072-400 step forward!!” he orders. I take a step forward with the others waiting to be directed, were lead out through the door and our hand cuffs are placed on again before we enter the mansion. I glance back at the truck and take a good look at where I’ll be spending the next couple years.

~4 years later~

“GET IN!” master yells at me- whipping my back for the 4th time today. I jump into the boot of the car and squish up in the small area available, the aching on my back is intense with pain and I feel a line of blood slide down my back. It doesn’t take long before the car comes to an abrupt halt. Master opens the boot back up and orders me to get out- I do instantly. He grabs my chains and pulls me towards a giant building, the towers loom over me and I can’t help but think that this is the worst place I’ve ever been to. I’m led in several directions before master finds the person he’s looking for, they exchange a few words and I’m led away into a cell. That’s when I know- there is no freedom, I’ll be here till death.

~ 5 years later ~

Well life isn’t fair- that’s for sure. After 13 years of slavery, I was finally sold into the army- strictly no girls allowed. I mean unless you’re me and get your hair cut short so you can get in ( not that it was my choice or anything.) I don’t remember my name- all I can remember is being slave 072-361 and the person I am today.

“Look at him, did you know he used to be a slave, how does a wimp like him even keep up with us??” I hear rumours being passed around about me as soon as I enter the assembly hall, are you guys all stupid I can hear you just fine.

“Jazz!” someone calls out from behind me

“Skyler?? Why can’t you hang out with someone else?” I ask instantly

“Awww….. I’m offended” he replies jokingly,

“Those guys are going to try beat you up again” I warn him, trying to make him change his mind about sitting with me

“And?…..besides if it weren’t for me you would’ve killed them by now- don’t tell me you forgot last time already” he reminds me with a mischievous grin

“Since when did you encourage fighting?” I ask he doesn’t get a chance to reply as the loudspeaker voice booms above everyone else- I hate the loud noises, they remind me too much of the past. I cover my ears and prepare for another long boring assembly.

“Jazz” Skyler hisses in my ear removing my hand from my ear

“I’m up” I mumble, opening my eyes- happy to see that assembly is over

“Can we do some last minute training before the exam tomorrow?” he askes

“Skyler, seriously?” I groan getting up off my chair

“Please!” he begs

“Ok fine” I agree “but only because you REALLY need it” I imply

“Your top of the class, how am I supposed to beat that?” he asks me, I shrug unable to answer the question.

The soft, tiny flakes gently float down. I stick out my pale hands, a feeble attempt at catching the fragile pieces of ice. Ignoring the frigid cold i waved my open palms around. I stretched my small fingers wide, determined to catch a snowflake on my hand. Despite that, the snowflakes continued to evade my touch.

We quietly sneak outside onto one of the free training grounds and begin battling fiercely.  At the academy people are specially chosen- those who come from pure blood or half-blood families are separated from the rest due to social status. Unfortunately the top student of each year must be placed in this class too- me in other words. The soldiers and trainees have different special ability’s known as Zion’s; the abilities differ from person to person.

Although most people tend to have about 5 Zion’s by the end of their training. I’ve got 4 so far- Atmoskinesis- The ability to control the 4 basic elements, Night Vision- well that’s sorta self-explanatory, Underwater Breathing- I found that out when a bunch of guys tried to drown me in a lake, Super Hearing- it’s really annoying most of the time….Skylers got 3 so far, Hydro locomotion- Ability to walk on water, Telekinesis- the ability to move things with his mind, his latest achievement is being able to lift himself, Super Speed- ability to move so fast he becomes a blur. There’s also one ability everyone has, we call it enhancement- it gives the user enhanced physical strength, speed, reflexes, endurance and durability. Our abilities work well with certain weapons, mines a sword which can channel elements, Skyler prefers just using his fists but he has a knife in his back pocket if he wants to use it.

Its pitch black when finally start getting real- this gives me the upper hand, I strike out to my left where I can just hear his feet padding against the ground

“Damn” he curses wiping away the blood from the newly formed wound

“Come at me for real!” I shout at him, he’s instantly back to stealthy mode, but gives himself away when he begins running near me

“That’s what I think of you!” he yells when he’s at a safe distance, I step back so I can read the word engraved in the ground. Pipsqueak.

“GET BACK HERE YOU INSENSITIVE JERK!!” I yell running in his direction…geez just cause I’m so short =.= ( Im assuming its due to my different gender )

WELL thanx for reading comment vote fan and hope you enjoyed, anything i could do better maybe? Sorry about the sudden change in Users >.<

Slave 072-361Where stories live. Discover now