Slave 072-361

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How are you supposed to live your life when there's no reason to?

Whats the point in living when all you feel is uselessness?

What do you do when you've never heard of happiness or smiling?

Slave 072 - 

I've never known my real name

I've never met my parents

I snuck into the military academy as a boy so i could escape my situation 

I do know that i have a friend here- he even gave me a name, Jazz

I want to know my reason for living...

A wise man once said- Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive.

I promised myself i wont die inside while living

(Based on 07 ghost manga which is written and drawn by  Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara)

Story made by IcyBlaze ( ME ) :D

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