Chapter 5

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     I flew back to eat lunch with my parents, I hadn't expected to take so long with the Queen. My parents were scurrying around, trying to find me frantically, finally their eyes landed on me, standing at the doorway to our hut.

"No we don't have to do that yet, that's only if she doesn't return for the whole day" Pine stood in front of Nighthunter, placing a claw on his shoulder.

"How about if its too late, we'll have to-OH DARKGEM" My father swirled around to pull me into a hug.

     Father looked relieved, but my mother shook her head and frowned.

"Where have you been?" Pine questioned, crossing her talons tightly.

     Should I tell them? That their daughter is going to suddenly get herself involved in a dangerous case involving both tribes falling. I wish I had future telling powers, that way, I can know exactly what to say in situations like this. Oooo can I enchant myself to have these powers? I snapped out of that thought. NO. I can't use my magic again, I had already flimsy enchanted the jewlery around my tail, I don't want to end up like Darkstalker. And besides, I should save all my power to save the queen.

"Queen Glory's sister is going to kill her" I responded, half telling the truth. Yes, the queen is endangered, but I made sure to leave out the part where I had to save the day.

"WHAT? WHO SAID THAT? ARE WE IN DANGER???" My father replied alarmingly. His eyes were panicked, of course, the queen of his tribe could possibly be killed.

"I-" My mind started cramming in with the best excuse possible. "I overheard some dragons whisper about it, I don't know who they are though"

     My father slowly relaxed and shook his head, smiling.

"Don't worry dear, their probably just making things up" Nighthunter said, but I could still see the worry in his eyes.

     My mother nodded, agreeing with my father. But they were both still a little concerned.

"Should we tell Queen Glory just in case?" Pine asked, looking out to the royal hut I had just been to.

"No, let's not disturb the queen with trivial matters" My father replied. He seemed to be trying to push his concern away.

     Pine hesistated for a moment, but soon enough, she nodded to my father's choice.

     The day moved on, father caught us some food to eat, and mother spent the rest of the day reading scrolls. She loves reading scrolls, especially about poisonous fruits that are found in the rainforest. It's important to know about those fruits, mother is very worried about accidentally eating them. Father is less worried, but he is self proclaimed 'an expert'. I giggle everytime I remember his proud face as he explains how 'expert' he is about it.

     While my parents were busy, I started to think about different ways I could protect the queen. It's my main goal, to defend the queen at all cost no matter what. I even visited the library a dragon named Starflight built for more information about animus powers.

     I was about to pick a scroll about the history of animus powers when a talon touched mine.

"Oh I was about to reach for that" A purple rainwing smiled at me. "Sorry, you take it"

     He was unusually composed, less cheerful than most rainwings I see in the rainforest, he didn't look like the typical rainwing, or maybe it's just because he's my age and dragons are changing. Another thing I noticed, was how handsome he was, his star blue eyes were crystal clear and his turquoise wings and yellow blobs just made me blush even more.

"Thank you, but you can take it" I pushed the scroll back in his claw.

     He gazed at me, as if trying to make sure that I was actually okay with him taking the scroll. Finally, after staring at his beautiful eyes for longer than I wanted, he nodded.

"Ok then, thanks again! I'm actually in a rush, last minute project on animus powers, but I can give this scroll to you after today, when will you come to the library again?" He asked.

     I thought for a second. Probably in a two days, where my father will meet with some of his nightwing friends and my mother needs suntime. I told the rainwing that, and soon enough he left.
That scroll was the last in the library so I returned back home empty handed. At least I get to see him again.

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