Chapter 3

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     It's early in the morning, but I can already hear dragons gathering to the heart of the rainwing village. The sun had barely risen, what are all those morning heads doing? I stretch my talons and carefully peak through the window.

"Dragons, Dragons! Come gather, there is something very important to know!"A rainwing with light blue scales announces.

     I quickly sneak out of my hut, my parents are still snoring away. Soon, I blend in with all the rainwing and few nightwings, or at least I'm trying to. I pop my head over everyone else, awaiting the announcement of that female rainwing on a platform. The blue coloured rainwing makes a motion of silence to the crowd, everyone immediately hushes.

"Thank you. My name is Radiant. I must tell you all why I am here. I am the older sister of the queen. Yes, not uncommon, she probably has countless others. But I challenge her for the throne, as I should have been the rightful queen anyways." Her purple wings spread wide, she is trying to seem intimidating.

     Queen Glory sweeps in, she was watching from her own hut. The long lost sisters are now beside eachother, it really shows how much larger Radiant is. Radiant glares at her sister's flower crown, seemingly wanting to snatch it away from her.

"I have listened to your declaration. Yay sister reunion! Such a warm greeting" Queen Glory patts Radiant on the shoulder, recieving a hiss back.

"Yes, a warm greeting indeed. Do you accept my challenge?" Radiant snarls, her eyes piercing the queen's.

     Queen Glory gazes at everyone in the crowd, for a moment I see her eyes land on me. She turns back to her sister.

"I accept" The queen shakes hands with Radiant, Glory winces, as if Radiant had pinched her in the claw.

The queen spreads her wings, but before she flys away, Glory turns to her sister oncemore.

"Wait a minute, how do I even know you're my sister" Glory chuckles, she grabs a leaf from a nearby tree and places it in between them.

     Immediately, without warning, both rainwings spat their venom onto the leaf. It becomes solid, just how all rainwing siblings' venom becomes. Queen Glory nods, again, she gazes at me. What is the queen looking at me for?

     A claw lands on my shoulder, it's undoubtedly a nightwing. I turn to see who's weird enough to randomly place a claw on someone, it's King Deathbringer. No one notices him, they are all too shock about Radiant. The nightwing pulls me aside and brings me face to face with the queen.

     "Follow me Darkgem" The Queen orders. Deathbringer walks cautiously beside the queen, acting like I'll hurt her. I'm so harmless though, it's not like I would ever hurt her. The queen just called me by my name, how does Queen Glory know my name? I'm no special dragonet,  barely anyone knows me because of how much time I spend locked up in my room.

     I wonder how Queen Glory deals with it all. She literally just dealt with Darkstalker, now the queen had to deal with a vengeful sister. We arrive at the royal hut, the king motions me to take a seat, so I do. Queen Glory sits across from me, her scales a calm purple, Deathbringer stands guarding his wife.

"You're not in trouble or anything. This is like a really long story Darkgem, it's not everyday you randomly get a confrontation with the queen." Queen Glory smiles, it calms me down a bit, but I still am so confused.

"There is this dragon, the age of your parents who happens to have visions, Moonwatcher. Did I mention she can mindread too? Anyways, she came to me one day, telling me about how I would be brutally murdered by my sister, and the only dragon that could save me was a hybrid she described exactly like you." Queen Glory turns a little blue but quickly changes back to purple.

     I have heard of Moonwatcher. Wasn't she the friend of Darkstalker? I know of her abilities, but surely they got it all wrong. How could I help? I don't know anything! Wait, I am such a stupid dragon. I had almost forgotten I had animus powers, is that how I am going to save the queen? Is this my moment to finally reveal my secret powers? I haven't even told my parents, for moons sake!

     "I really don't know how to help you other then...maybe now is a good time to tell you I have animus powers..." I respond. The queen's eyes widen and Deathbringer immediately tenses up. Of course, they had just dealt with an evil animus.

"Come with me, we need to see someone"


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