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I sat at my desk taping my pencil against it


"Hey Nina"

"You've been up here for hours"


"Both you and your dad, Have been locked away ever since you guys got back"

"I wonder why that is"

"So would I"

"Nina please don't ask"

"Fine but I'm not going anywhere until you tell me"

"I really can't"

"You used to spill"

"Well I can't this time okay its between Alphas"

"That never use to stop you"

"Nina!" She cowarded back, I looked away avoiding her gaze

"Did you really just Alpha me?"


"What's so damn important that you needed to Alpha me!?" I looked down rubbing my forehead

"I need to find a way to get to Ruby"

"I thought you were just with her?"
"Yea well she wasn't exactly keen on having me around"
"Well fixing that shouldn't be to much of a problem you're a delight! We'll just-" I tuned her out "-you'll happily ever after"
"I highly doubt that.. I mean if you're so scared of her killing you then-"
"Its not that.. I just.. I agreed to help the other Alphas kill her" Silence filled the room

"Are you serious!?!" I turned my head to look at her "You agreed to kill your mate?!"

"Shes evil"

" for someone that's evil she didn't kill you and she didn't send you off packing.. You can reject her anytime, but she spared your life and you're going to take the trust she gave you, get her to fall for you just so you can take her down and become big bad Alpha, Your taking her fear and using it against her if anyone's evil its you"

"You don't understand"

"No I understand perfectly I understand you're worst than her.. she hasn't brought herself to kill you. or to gave the order.. but you. you're more than willing.. Perhaps you don't deserve a mate perhaps you should rot alone in a cage like the animal you're becoming" and with that she walked out my room softly closing the door behind her

I banged my head against the desk

When Mark decided to walk in

" Why is Nina mad?"

"Don't know. Help me get to Ruby"

"Just do what you did last time"

"Won't work she'll have an extra set of wolves"

"You just need to annoy her enough to get her to talk to you"

"How do you suppose I get close enough to do that?"
"Who said you needed to be close?" He smiled "Don't worry about a thing, I got this covered"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't worry about a thing" He took off and I went back to banging my head on the desk. This is pointless

"Stop that banging"

"Mom" I paused "I suppose dad told you"

"Of course he did"

"If you're going to yell at me Nina beat you to it"

"Good but I wasn't going to yell, your father is upset, he doesn't understand why you would choose to kill your mate"

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