She is

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She Is

Sometimes the shockers in life are worth fighting for

(Picture is Ruby Blackthorne)


For once in a hundred years the Eastern Alphas were having a meeting.

We sat waiting for the arrival of the most powerful Alpha of all time, Alpha BlackThrone, the one that could kill all of us in seconds, and trust me when I say we aren't looking forward to it.

The double doors burst open revealing a girl nineteen maybe, she was wearing combat boots, black skinny jeans some band T-shirt and she had blond hair, her eyes were black, she looked like a total bad ass. My heartbeat got faster and my eyes widened she was my mate, her eyes snapped towards me before looking around

"You're the Alphas?" We glanced at each other unsure of who she is, she rolled her eyes "I'm Alpha BlackThorne"

Completely unsure Alpha Hunts questioned her "You're the cold hearted killer? The one that kills because he can? You're the most dangerous man alive?" she smiled

"That's me" My eyes snapped to my father's, using the pack link I spoke to him

"I'm so fucked" He looked at me puzzled "She's my mate"

"If she's your mate why are you standing here?"

"Honestly i'm scared of her" I looked away Alphas aren't supposed to admit such things

"Don't you worry, you're better than me, i'm so scared I might piss myself" I wanted to laugh but my attenion snapped to her

"Why is it that i'm here?" Alpha Rockwich spoke in turn

"We must band together the wolf packs from the West have banded together and are making their way here as we speak"

"And I care because?" She looked bored with the topic, as if she hears about this every day

"We need you and your wovles to destroy as many as possible"

"Now why would I want to go and do something like that?" I spoke

"Are you that heartless you would risk, our lives?"

"If you can't fight a couple of wolves that's your problem not mine"

"You would risk your mate?" without a thought she answered

"I don't care what happens to you or your sad little pack"

"You have some nerve thinking you're better than all of us put together"

"Your grandpops sure didn't feel that way" I felt my father freeze next to me, his eyes wide as a whisper pasted his lips

"Ruby?" She smiled

"Hello Harris" Her voice was wicked and cold, making me shiver at the sound, As Alpha Ruthburge lead our attenion back to the problem at large

"What are we going to do about our little problem? We can't just sit here and wait for them to attack, but we can't attack blindly either"

"Relax they won't be getting close enough to even smell you"

"How would know?"

"You're forgetting an important story about me" she leaned closer "I have a very powerful witch on my side" as she pulled back, Ruthburge reached out grabbing her arm she growled "Let go"

"Why do you suddenly want to help?"

"Because your deaths are only fun if i'm the one to kill you, now let go"

"There's no way you're Alpha Blackthorne"

"Don't test me, if you're fond of that hand i highly suggest you let go"

"What are going to do?" Within seconds there was a snap and tear as Rutherburge screamed, his hand on the ground and Rutherburge was pinned agaisnt the wall no one dared to move not even his Beta

"Touch me again and i will kill your wife, question my power again and i'll kill each of your children slowly and painfully, Understood?" He nodded in pain and she dropped him to the floor "I think we're done here" eveyone took off, not wanting to stick around, i mean she tore the mans hand off can you blame them?

She started walking away "Ruby!" she turned looking at my father "My son is your mate"

"Your point?"

"You're just going to leave him?" she looked me up and down

"He'll find someone"


"You know i decided i didn't want to have a mate years ago"

"Than reject him, don't make him sit and wait when you're never coming back" i swear there was a flash of something behind her cold eyes, weather it was anger or pain, i wasn't going going to give up on the small chance that she wanted me

I yelled "NO" they looked at me "I know you want me i'm not an idiot, you don't need to run or hide, I'll always be here for you, I'll always be here waiting" Her eyes softened

"You would waste your life waiting for me?"

"For as long as i shall live" Her eyes darked becoming coldder than before

"Than you're just as stupid and sad as the rest of them" she stalked away i yelled after her

"You're my mate!" she responded "Consider me dead" knowing she could still hear me I spoke

"Kind of hard when you're feared by everyone" I swear I heard her say "Just the way I like it" before she disappeared though another set of doors and that's when it hits me how did my dad know Ruby?, were they past lovers before he found my mom, oh lord Ruby is the same age as my dad, i stood frozen as the realization hit me my wolf whispered in the back of my head

"There has to be some other explaintion" I slowly turned, facing my dad

"How do you know Ruby?" his face paled and he blinked his mouth just opening and closing like some nutcracker, As I stood there unable to move just hoping my thoughts aren't going to be the words leaving his mouth

Cold HeartedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz