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I followed her up stairs and outside, we stood over everyone
"Welcome to my home" I couldn't believe it, there were thousands of wolves here, and every last one was having the time of their lives
"I didn't take you as the welcoming type"
"I'm just letting you know, not to attack me, there are thousands of wolves waiting my command, that would risk their lives to protect mine, I didn't have to break apart packs they came to me" in a far corner there were red fences I'm assuming she followed where I was looking because she spoke
"Rouges.. My rouges"
"They get to live however they want without fear death by every pack.. Its a rouge camp"
"That's that's"
"Genius? I know, they worship me, Liam, and no one is going to take that away from me, those who try die"
"Eventually they'll stop being scared of you, they'll turn on you"
"You see that's the funny thing, to them I'm not scary until I'm mad, and it takes a lot to piss me off. They're here willingly, they like it here"
"You act like this is a kingdom"
"It is, its my kingdom, I rule here, her eyes went red as she faced me, she whispered "Mess with me i dare you" I blinked and it was like it never happened she retreated back into the house, I took one last look over this bit of army and sighed
"My mate is making my life a bitch"
"I can hear you" I followed her
"Can you please pretend you're normal?" She didn't answer she just kept walking finally she spoke
"You know your way around the house your room is down this hall she turned heading downstairs I followed her to the kitchen
"There you are help yourself I have things to do"
"Like letting me in?" She laughed not an actual whole hearty laugh but a laugh all the same before she stopped dead cold
"I'm not a room I can't let someone in... what you see is what you get"
"Come on"
"You're only here because you managed not to die, screw up and I might just have to kill you got it?"
"Like you would kill me"
"Like I wouldn't" she blinked "Now. Don't be stupid" She walked away and I stood in the kitchen

The next three days were really quiet no one was around. They actually left me alone in this house of secrets so I spent the days looking around.. in everything that wasn't locked but there was nothing. Nothing about anyone it was like they didn't live here I was going through the table just down the hall by the door when it opened and a few poured in
Cody, Lucie and Valerie
They spotted me "What are you doing?" I stood straight
"Waiting for Ruby.. Where have you been?" Lucie put on a face of innocence "Haven't you spoken to daddy?.. oh wait you can't" my eyes widened as she laughed walking away
I moved up to my room calling my mother
"Liam! When did you plan on calling you had me worried sick! If you pull that again I promise you death will be the least of your worries!"
"I'm sorry Ma, how's dad?"
"He's fine sweetie'
"Can I speak with him?"
"He's out right now I can have him call you when he gets back" I gulped
"Thanks.. what is dad doing?" There was a long pause
"Training Zack"
"He's your Beta"
"So he has his own parents to teach him"
"Your father asked to train him because he's trying to get the whole kill mate situation off of his mind"
"Why don't you realize this is the right thing?" She sighed
"I have to go honey" she hung up and I sighed great now my own mother can't stand me
I moved downstairs where the hell are they?
"Miss me" I jumped I'm sure its Valerie
"I don't even know you"
"But I scared you.." I turned it was actually Ruby
"Ruby" She rolled her eyes
"Slow much"
"Where have you been?"
"What are you my mother?"
"No, but"
"Sush I have business to attend"
"Can I come?" She opened her mouth before shutting it, she stared at me
"Sure" I followed her out we spent hours in silence walking she wouldn't run or shift no matter how much I asked we stopped in front of a cottage
Before I could ask her why we were here she opened the door and two heads flew up seeing her they pulled guns on each other
"You weren't supposed to tell!" Both guns went off and second after one another they fell, dead
"You see that.. I just walk into a room and they turn on each other... tsk. Tsk. It's always the weak"
"How are you proud of that?!"
"Come on you felt the power I held, Just by standing there.. you felt it here and you felt it in that stupid meeting
"That doesn't make it okay! You could have saved them!" She step forward to a table before picking up a knife
"You could've too, but you didn't"
"You knew what was happening"
"How was I supposed to know they were going to murder each other in cold blood?" I didn't answer
"You really think you can save me... save me from myself, but you fail to realize that I don't need to be saved" she raised her arm slowly cutting her skin open the blood just leaking out she didn't flinch
"Maybe I'm a sadist or maybe I'm just pure crazy" she shrugged "Who cares when either my name alone can cause you to kill, as you've seen today. You want in here you go" she walked past me throwing the knife down "see you in town" like that she was gone
I stared at the couple they were so quick to turn on each other
She needs to be stopped there's no going back now
I moved quickly heading to the town. Soon she'll hit the wolves lining our boarders and when she does we'll be ready. We have to be.

It didn't take to long to get back because I was lost in thought Candy was waiting for me, a small smile on her face
"Are you ready?"
"For what?"
"The party of course" it was getting dark and people were setting up tables and lights, chairs and speakers
Everyone gathered the children were probably inside playing
"Hello," everyone looked up at the stage seeing Ruby "Today is a celebration, Today is the day my brother was killed! The day they thought they could weaken us! The day we proved them wrong! The day we became stronger! And now it's the day we celebrate!" Cheers were loud, music blasted and everyone got their party on, I finally spotted the children passed the mass of people playing of in a park I moved around the mass of people trying to get to Ruby this was pointless I couldn't find her
"What did you think?" I spun around seeing Ruby
"So today was the day your brother was killed"
"Yup" we walked away from the noise
"You could've told me"
"I don't know.. I could've maybe I don't know"
"You should know.. after all your family killed him"
"Stop saying stuff like that! We didn't do anything!"
"Yeah I don't rip people's heads off"
"Tell me what happened!"
"What are you two? Stop asking"
"What would you do if someone wouldn't tell you something?"
"I ask once.. if they don't give me an answer I kill them and figure it out myself"
"And if your sister was killed?"
"Are you making a threat?"
"No" her head turned to me watching me
"If my sister ends up dead I'm coming for you Gaves, know that the next body they'll find will be yours" I gulped she wasn't even trying and she was scary
"I didn't-" she held her hand up
"This conversation is done" and like that she disappeared until the crowd
I needed to convince her it was my only way in I sighed seeing her giant home in the distance
"Time to search"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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