Around the 15th

Começar do início

Meta: "showering will get the river off you"

Kirby immediately turns the water on hot and steps in fully clothed.

Kirby: "I'm washing me in my cloths bitch" (I'm sorry I had to) (and that's from a vine if u didn't know)

Meta: "your so weird"

Kirby: "fine, woUlD yOu prEfER iF i tOOk tHeM ofF?!" She said jokingly then acts like she's gonna take off her dress

Meta looks at her for a bit...then runs out the room and slams the door. He can hear Kirby laughing. He just standing in the middle of his room. He looks at the tampon on the floor
Metas thoughts: how does it even work!?
He decides it's for the best if he didn't know then continued reading a book.

After a while of just standing fully clothed in the shower Kirby eventually takes them off. The hot water makes Kirby get lost in thought
Kirbys thoughts: hm I haven't showered in over 4 days...that's gross, wait I don't have cloths to put on after, oh no....wait Kirby that's not the problem here, I'm gonna do the nasty in like 11 days... this brings up an anxiety I didn't know I would have, oh god this is gonna be bad, is this going to hurt? Yes, oh no how bad? Probably a lot, ahh I'm scared, no no it's ok I have 11 days to get loosen up, lol that sounds bad...WHAT IF I GET PREGNATE!? No no i dont think that it's around the time of my predicted ovulation.... or is it? Ahhh
(Me when ever I think about that)

Kirby snaps out of her trance. She realizes she's been in there for a while. She figures she should probably get out soon. But her cloths are soaked so what will she wear. She turns off the water and grabs a towel.

Kirby: "META!!" She yells from inside the bathroom

Meta: "yeah?"

Kirby: "I don't have cloths..."

Meta: "that's a problem"

Kirby: "yeah, so what do I do"

Meta: " you want one of my shirts?"

Kirby: "...yes..."

she then walks out only wrapped in a towel with her hair still dripping. Meta hands her a shirt. She goes back in the bathroom. Then like a minute later goes back out. She put on the shorts she wears under her dress (Bc she ain't no hoe) even tho they were wet, she'd figure they would dry fast. But she couldn't put back on her black sports bra (whatever that black thing she wears under the dress) because then that would get the rest of her shirt wet. She didn't really care though because technically she dosnt need a bra.... but she was cold, oh well.

When Kirby walks out she goes and lays facing down on the floor.

Meta: "what are you doing?"

Kirby: "waiting for my shorts to dry"

Meta: "on the floor?"

Kirby: "I don't want to get your bed wet"

Meta: "yeah that makes sense" then continues reading

20 minutes pass and Kirbys still laying on the floor. She feels her shorts....less wet. She wants to lay in the bed now so she gets up and lays in the bed with Meta who's reading a book.

Kirby: "what are you reading"

Meta: "Ulysses"

Kirby: "that book requires you to be able to read in 8 languages!"

Meta: "it's the second hardest book to read in the English language"

Kirby is shook at how smart Meta is. She was used to being the smart one, she's kinda mad he keeps one upping her.

Kirby: "I've read War and Peace"

Meta: "I read that when I was 13"

Kirby: "......"

(I would like to let everyone know, I did my research)

Kirby: "well how many languages do you speak?"

Meta: "Spanish is my first and over time and dealing with people form the war I've learned English, Japanese and French"

Kirby: "impressive"

Meta: "¿gracias, y tú?" (thanks and you?)

Kirby: "English and Spanish..."

Meta: "hmm"

Kirby: *sighs* she cannot beat Metas brilliance

Meta: "if it makes you feel better, your the smartest person I know"

Kirby: :)

Meta: "Tiff was the smartest before you, but she can only speak one language!"

Kirby: "ha dumb bitch"

Meta: "whenever Sword and Blade do something stupid I always cuss them out in Spanish, it's funny because they have no idea"

Kirby: "hejos de perra tontos"(dumb motherfuckers)

Meta: "sí, al igual que" (yea, just like that)

Kirby notices the time. It's almost 1 am.

Kirby: "um it's almost 1 in the morning"

Meta: "yea typically I don't sleep..."

Kirby: "is it because of the nightmares?"

Meta: "partly, that and insomnia"

Kirby: "aw"

Meta: "you can go to bed if you want, I always fall asleep eventually...kinda"

Kirby: "how are you not tired, you almost died fighting a monster?"

Meta: "oh yeah I forgot that happened"

Kirby: "and since I did basically all the work I'm tired so ima go to bed now" Kirby gets up and turns off the light. Meta can no longer read.

Meta: *sighs*

(I am suddenly craving spaghetti)

Kirby feels somewhat bad for ending Metas reading time but she did save his life today. She climbed back in bed and to the side next to the corner because I think we can all agree that sleeping in the corner is better. Meta is now always big spoon 🥄
But he can't help but notice...

Meta: "are you not wearing a bra?" But in a way that's like funny because he doesn't care

Kirby: "haha nope"

They then fall asleep, or at least Kirby does Metas just chillin in the dark.
Oh wow what happens next?
Damn sorry to leave you guys on such a cliffhanger

And holy guacamoly I have 100 views!!!! Well a lil over 100 but I've accidentally viewed my own stuff a lot so I'm just gonna subtract like 12...

EDIT: ha I'm editing all my old chapters and it's funny Bc in this i had 100 views and now I have 400

EDIT: hahah looking back and now I have 600


Kirby x Meta Knight  -  human girl Kirby!! With lots of 𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora