ONE : Leaving home

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I stretched my arms and breathed in the fresh air that was always available at Spring county. I'm really gonna miss this place I thought but I reassured myself by remembering the saying we only live once and saying it out loud.
* * *
I arose from bed and heard the voice of my mom echoing through the halls yelling 'Wake up Bellamy'!
I knew my Mom was happy for me getting a science scholarship into one of the best schools in the country but geez i didn't know she wanted me out that bad, but i can't blame her, me going to boarding school was the perfect way for her to get the alone time she's always wanted.
i'm snapped out of my thoughts by my Mom's yelling, "Bellamy are you there" she said, I immediately answered yeah just having my bath "OK be quick" she yelled back.
i came out of the shower put on the new jean and T-shirt  my Mom just got for me according to her they are going away clothes, I begged her to get me a crop top but she just told me that she wouldn't let me wear anything that exposed my body parts. She is so strict but what would i expect from a scientist such as herself she always told me I had to be smart and think about my studies only and never about material things, I adore her for her knowledge but sometimes she can be a little to a lot overprotective but i know it's just because she wants to protect me, but i didn't think too much of it as i thought it was how she wanted me to be.
*  *  *
I grabbed my sneakers and my box and backpack with all my much needed clothes and my most treasured belongings my phone, headphones and my laptop.
I took my breakfast and told my Mom that i was ready to go, she looked at me and said I'm so proud of you, i looked at her and smiled she put her hand in her pocket and brought out a golden chain that had half a heart on it and told me it would remind me of her if i ever missed her but i doubt if i would, i mean i will but not everyone gets the chance to go to a high class school and not have to do any house chores anymore and at the same time not be constantly monitored by my lovely but insanely overprotective mother so yeah I was pretty happy about going to boarding school.
I put my bags in the back of the car and sat in the passengers side of the front sit. As she drove my mom started lecturing me about the do's and don'ts of boarding school but i wasn't listening because i was to busy thinking about how my first day at Millennium high would be, I'm so pumped i can literally not wait, I knew this would be a long drive so i came prepared with my earphones and my playlist, I didn't even realize when i dozed off i was awoken after what felt like forever by my Mom screaming my name, we were finally there and then i saw it the biggest and beautifulest if that is even a word school I've ever seen in my entire life, I think this will be fun i said to myself as we stepped out of the car.     

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