9. Disastrous date

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Oberois went away while Rajputs were sitting in the garden, only Anika was missing.
Shanaya: will Anika agree to marry Shivaay?
Armaan: she will never disobey to mum.
Aradhya: I know she won't say NO to me but I want her to choose by her own happiness not by my pressure. They want Anika as daughter-in-law because she is rich and Gauri and Bhavya's older sister. However they still don't know what kind of strenuous relationship these girls share.(eyeing Bhavya and Gauri.)
Gauri: grandma we try to be civil with her but her cold attitude and distance from us don't let us improve the situation.
Bhavya: yeah, she is playing the victim in the situation and making us feel the culprit.
I don't know how to start the conversation.
Aradhya: did you ever talked to her without a taunt? No, never. You girls are blinded by the first impression you got of her as a rich spoilt brat. But she isn't like that, she has a cloaked heart that hides million of emotions underneath it.
Shanaya: Bhavya and Gauri behave yourself, and think twice while talking to your elders.
Gauri/Bhavya: sorry mom.
Ranvir: but who will talk to Anika di about marriage?
Aradhya: I'm going to talk to Anika. You guys enjoy!

Aradhya went into Anika's room, who has already changed into comfortable clothes. She was reading a novel and was so immersed in the novel that she didn't notice her grandmother sitting next to her. But feeling the strong gaze on her, she turned and saw Aradhya sitting on her bed.
Anika: oh grandma, sorry I didn't noticed you. How you come here? It's soo late. ( eyeing the clock on the wall);
Aradhya: I want to talk to you.
Anika: what talk?
Aradhya: you know today after dinner, Kalyani Oberoi asked for your hand for her oldest grandson Shivaay.
Anika: what?(shocked)
Aradhya: look Anika, they are good people and I like Shivaay as well. You think clearly before making a decision.
Anika: I know they are good people but Shivaay is not the kind of man I want for myself. He is a playboy type.
Aradhya: who told you?
Anika: news, media. It's everywhere.
Aradhya: ok. Before making a decision meet Shivaay. I will set you guys on a dinner date tomorrow. Then you guys cal talk out.
Anika: but...
Aradhya: give a chance to relationship, maybe it will turn out good for you.
Anika: I have a bad luck with relationship.
Aradhya: give it a shot!(she caressed Anika's head).

Aradhya went away while Anika was still in her thoughts.
Anika p.o.v.
I don't want to marry Shivaay. I know I have a terrible luck in relationship, no one wants to stay with me because I'm a bad omen like my classmates used to say. I still remember how people taunted me that my parents left me because I was unwanted.
(She slept while crying.)

Meanwhile in Oberoi mansion
Everyone told Shivaay about the decision and he wasn't happy at all.
Shivaay: dadi I don't want to marry.
Kalyani: I don't want to hear anything, all your friends are married. Your age is passing. You need to settle down.
Shivaay: but I don't want committment.
Tej: why not?
Janvi: yes, give it a try. You won't regret marrying Anika.
Priyanka: yes bhai. Anika is an amazing person.
Shivaay: I know Prinku but I don't want committment.
Om: Shivaay if you don't marry then I won't as well.
Rudra: me too.
Shivaay: why are you guys being soo stubborn.
Dadi: Shivaay you are going to a dinner date with Anika tomorrow. That's final and now no more arguments.
Shivaay: but dadi...
Janvi: Shivaay now is enough. I don't want to hear anything just be ready tomorrow. Now everyone go to your rooms. Good night!

Everyone left and Shivaay angrily went to his room where he broke his phone.
Shivaay p.o.v.
I don't know what anyone is not understanding me. I just don't want to marry now, I want to be a free bird with no responsibilities and I'm sure Anika share the same opinion as me. I think we need to find a middle way where we can have our freedom.

Next day was as usual Anika went to office and Ranvir went to his college and Bhavya and Gauri left for their job. Armaan left for Rajput office, which was assigned to him by Anika and Shanaya and Aradhya went for a walk. Same thing was going on in Oberoi mansion, everyone left for their jobs. In the evening Shivaay and Anika both were forced to go to a date.

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