3. First meet

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Anika reached Oberoi office with her team and she was taken directly into the meeting room, and she sat with her team patiently waiting for mr. Oberoi. The meeting room was huge with modern interior designs, it has all tables of blue and black colours. However Anika was feeling a tingling sensation in her heart like something was going to happen.

Anika p.o.v.
I don't know what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling soo scared or happy, I'm not able to describe? Oh God! Help me.

In CEO office
Tej was sitting on his chair and waiting patiently for Shivaay because he was the one who made the presentation for the project, so therefore he couldn't proceed with his meeting. He was continuously watching the wall clock in his office.
Tej: "where is this boy?"
Mr.Mishra(Tej's p.a.):"Sir don't worry he will come soon. I just talked with his p.a. Khanna."
Tej:"I hope he does or else we are going to lose this contract."

In meeting room,
Anika was getting frustrated with each passing second, her time was precious and she was disappointed by Oberoi's unprofessionalism because she was waiting since last fifteen minutes. The meeting was going to start but Anika received a call from her grandmother so she excused herself and went to the cafeteria to talk to her. In meantime Tej entered the meeting room with his p.a. and his team. He excused himself for being late and asked about Anika, and her p.a informed that she went out to receive a call. Suddenly Shivaay entered the meeting room, everyone was shocked seeing him, on one side every girl was drooling over him and the boys were getting jealous, on the other side Tej was a bit angry that he came late. Shivaay apologised through his puppy face to his father and he melted in seconds.
Shivaay: "Good morning ladies and gentlemen! I'm Shivaay Oberoi. I'm going to handle this project with your company, currently we are going to construct a resort which will give profits to both Oberois and Rajputs. "
Tej: "Shivaay listen!"( he tried to tell him that the boss was still missing.)
Shivaay:"Dad don't worry! I'll handle."(over confident self)
In meantime the door opened and Anika entered and everyone stood up. Shivaay got angry because he thought that she was a normal employee, who entered the meeting room without permission.
Shivaay: "Hey! Don't you have manner, that you have to knock before entering, you're fired! You ill-mannered girl. Leave now!" (He said everything rudely.)
Anika was looking at him like he was an alien but she composed herself quickly, in a blink of an eye.
Anika:"I'm really sorry but how can you start the meeting without me?"(rudely)
Shivaay:" oh so you are my dad's p.a., that's why you are constantly looking at my father."
Anika:"I'm sorry mr. Oberoi, I'm Anika Rajput and I'm the CEO of Rajput empire. I hope you understood why can't you start the meeting without me."
Shivaay was shocked while Tej was getting ready for Anika's rejection for the project.
Tej:"I'm sorry ms. Rajput, my son didn't knew that you are the boss."
Anika:" it's okay mr. Oberoi but I hope it won't be repeated again. I don't like people talking in loud voice. Am I clear?"
Tej:"Yes, Shivaay proceed!"( he signed Shivaay)
Shivaay did the presentation but Anika found a lot of mistakes in his presentation and he hated that she was a perfectionist. So therefore he nicknamed her ms. Perfect. After the meeting ended, Anika signed the contract and handshakes with Tej instead of Shivaay. Tej invited for lunch in their office, she was going to refuse but then agreed because she was feeling bad to constantly refuse someone older than her. So therefore she agreed for the lunch. Her team went into the canteen while she went in the CEO office along with Tej and  Shivaay. Tej excused to go the the restroom so Anika and Shivaay were left alone.
Shivaay:" I'm sorry Anika, I shouldn't have talked badly but it wasn't my fault entirely because I seriously didn't knew that you were the boss, dude!"
Anika:" first of all it's ms. Rajput for you and secondly I said already that it was alright."( cold manner)
Shivaay:" ok ms. Perfect I didn't knew you have such cold behaviour in this warm weather."
Anika:"ms. Perfect?"(confused)
Shivaay:" yeah, you find fault in everything because you are yourself a perfectionist so I nicknamed you ms. Perfect."
Anika:" Don't you think you should concentrate more on your business than cracking lame jokes?"
Shivaay:"Concentrate on business? And me? Never! Dad is there, why should I worry. This age is to have fun, chill with friends and have entertainment in your life. So ms. Beautiful do you have a boyfriend? If not then I'm fully available!"
Anika:"I don't think I need to share my personal life with a stranger and moreover I don't like this frankness. Please excuse me I have a meeting to attend."
Shivaay:"Think again, my offer is always available."
She gave an angry glare and just left and Shivaay muttered under his breath "drama queen", when Tej came back and asked about Anika, Shivaay answered that she had an important work to do so she left. Shivaay and Tej continued their lunch.

In night time in Oberoi mansion,
Everyone had dinner and was just randomly talking when Om started a new topic.
Om:"Dad I want to tell you something important."
Rudra:"me too!"
Shivaay:"What happened guys?"
Tej:"Yes, go on!"
Om:" dad actually I'm dating a girl named Gauri."
Rudra:"I'm dating a girl named Bhavya."
Jhanvi:"You mean you want to marry them."(happily)
Kalyani:"After your marriage, I want to become great-grandmother soon."(excitingly)
Om:" no, I didn't mean that mom, Gauri and Bhavya are sisters. They live in London but are soon shifting back, their mansion isn't ready yet so I wanted to ask if they can stay at our house for few days."
Tej:" yes sure, how many people are they?"
Rudra:"they are two sisters, Gauri is a professional dancer and Bhavya is a fashion designer, they have a younger brother who recently came back and is studying in Priyanka's college. He lives in a hostel in the college, and then they have their parents. Their dad is a businessman and their mom is a housewife."
Shivaay:"That's fine but why is their brother studying here instead of London?"
Om:"He wants to do work placement under Anika Rajput and this is only possible if he studies here."
Shivaay:" oh so he's a fan of ms. Perfect as well, Great! (Sarcastically)
Priyanka: "ms. Perfect?" (Confused)
Shivaay: "yeah, because she finds faults in everything I do because she's a perfectionist herself so I nicknamed her ms. Perfect."
Jhanvi:" Shivaay that's rude!"
Tej:" do you know what happened in office today?"
Kalyani:" what?"
Tej narrated Anika and Shivaay's meet and everyone was just laughing at Shivaay's situation. He was feeling embarrassed.
Shivaay:"Ok enough! How can I know that she was the boss?"
Tej:"still you talked rudely to her."
Shivaay:" I apologised, still she left."
Rudra:" you would have proposed her bhai, am I right?"
Shivaay:" yes, I did. I thought she was depressed because she had a recent breakup but she just rudely rejected my offer. I mean I just tried to help for the sake of humanity."
Kalyani:" proposing a stranger for the sake of humanity?"
Shivaay:"Yeah, I mean if a handsome boy like me propose a moody like her then it's obviously for the sake of humanity."
Jhanvi:"Shivaay, you are an idiot!"
Everyone started laughing and then they left but Shivaay was still thinking why his mum called him idiot.

Shivaay went to his room and was continuously thinking about Anika.
Shivaay p.o.v.
"What's wrong with me? I'm completely thinking about ms. Perfect, I think I need to do to Tia's house. She will help me forget her.  He called Tia."
Shivaay:"hey baby, are you home?"
Tia:"no baby, I'm on a trip with my friends to discover positive energy."
Shivaay:"I miss you baby!"
Tia:"Same here, bye my friends are calling me."
She disconnected the call and Shivaay was wondering how did he chose to date her. She was a lady baba.
Shivaay meets Anika again, and Rajputs entry

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