Fear of an Outbreak

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2011, I was with Saint Paul Johnson. We were traveling to heaven to see Christ.
During one night, a monster had swallowed me. It was all black and I did feel as I died.

2012, a pregnancy, with what seemed over board of tiredness, some claimed; alien child or bad breedings.

2018, saw Zack in my bathroom showering, grey skinned and looked vampire like, heard then there was an outbreak and people tried to find antidotes.

May, 2020, Stem cell, my face started looking more, Monster like. The species O?
I look more like Zacks' species now. It's been 3 days of Stem Xcell intake and my face is monster. Like Zack and Jeff.

Summary: some have said, when Mr or Ms. Universe gets bitten; a vampire outbreak is created. Heard it was on the news in another dimension. As to mine, it must be a human outbreak? "I am human stupid and naive?" "We are all human!" Who?

Please cure and treat, the Mr or Ms. Universe since 2019 outbreak of CoronaVirus.
Monster booger outbreaks going on tons of mucus... with or without smoking, the mucus allergies? Goes down my throat. 2018-currently. They sound as they are not humanoid nor godly like. They sound like boogered monsters. #JeffElli on film within me this morning. 1 June 2020.
Look similar to dinosaurs. No matter how many times I clean my nose, I get more boogers.
Which is rude, they must allow me to use tissues. They wipe it all over the bathtub.

More serious! There must also be another outbreak of souls out of bodies.
and, or energies attached to souls. As an outbreak, saw 2 of Zacks' supposed cousins with this outbreak. They do look well, HOT. Seen looking like smoke energy with colors with souls inside and they do speak. But they are depressed. #NoBodyWins

People with souls only, the creator than became a soul. #NoOneWins. Was going to contract this virus in 2015.
~must be in search of a body alike, NoBody. Please send him to the future to get claymation.
Heard an old man, wanted a subprime body, I made a version of Michael Jackson and Samuel Eli. He used this machine, as I layed in the same place listening to him.

VERY SERIOUS, did a creator become younger? Saw images and some days, I too feel pressed to become younger than the normal age especially mind set.

#1 Creators body's have been pulled out, making multiple bodies. And randoms are in my infinity bodies. Which is all a part of me, causing mental illnesses. And this seems to be going around. James Edward Sanford, is stuck in his humaniod body?! O+?!
Or was it an outbreak? Of "Adam" eating the apple? Heard it was NOT Adam, as I did see images of someone else.
~someone had played time changed, mapped changes and resorting to misguidance and falsely accused creators.
AdamDoll has Blues' face. How?

Word outbreak: Knob. Saint Paul Johnson had this outbreak 2011. I contracted it in 2018 or 2019.

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