"I don't know, I just don't want seeing you showing some affections to others.."

"Ah, I get it now... You're jealous because I patted Elkie Unnie's head am I right??.."


"Okay, what should I need to do so that you will not be mad anymore?.."

Sana looks at Tzuyu directly through her eyes.

"Kiss me.." Sana seriously said.

Tzuyu's eyes went wide,a she was surprised on what Sana want her to do...

"You want me, what??.."

"I said kiss me.."


Tzuyu lean more closer to her.. Sana slowly close her eyes, and she feel Tzuyu'd lips kissed her forehead..

"Don't me mad anymore .." Tzuyu whispered, as she kissed the latter's cheeks. "I love you..." She added and kissed Sana's lips...

Sana slowly opened her eyes, and she saw how close Tzuyu's face to her...

"Are you still mad?.."

"Not anymore.."

"Oh, my kisses are effective then.." Tzuyu said, and then she quickly kissed the tip of Sana's nose.


After 4 hours ~ they already been arrived in Philippines. They went  directly to 5 star hotel where they will be going to stay for two days.

Tzuyu and Sana was sharing one room, they settled everything they went now their own rooms to take some nap before going to stroll.

"Are you hungry?.." Tzuyu asked..

"Yeah, how about you??.."

"A little bit.. do you want to eat??.."

"Yeah, if it's okay with you?."

"Sure ☺️ I'll just gonna get change.."

After changing her clothes, Tzuyu and Sana went down while holding each other's hand.

When they arrived in Dine Area, Tzuyu noticed Elkie in one of the table.. 


"Tzuyu~ah 🙋..."

"How about the other Unnies?.."

"They said, they're going to have sleep first.. I feel hungry so I came down.."

"Ohh, why you didn't message me?.." Tzuyu asked, and it made this to Sana to look at her..

"Oh, I just don't want to disturb you and I know you guys are tired too.."

"Unnie, even I'm tired.. I'll gonna accompany you.. we came down because we are hungry too, so we will join you 😊."

"Sure 😊.."

"Love, let's get some food." Tzuyu said, and drag Sana at the food area..



"Am I like this before? ~ I mean why do I feel jealous towards elkie?.." Sana pouts..

"Uhm, you're not jealous towards her before, maybe you will that way right now because she's new to you and you still don't fully remember everything.."

"I feel guilty towards your friend.."

"It's okay.." Tzuyu hugs Sana... "Elkie Unnie is very understanding person, and she know your current situation so you don't have to worry.."


"Wait.." Tzuyu face her.


"If you're acting that way, and you're always feel jealous ... Is mean you already love me?? ..."

Sana's heart suddenly beat so fast, the moment Tzuyu asked her..

"You already in love with me???."

Sana suddenly averted her eyes because of shyness..

"It's fine.. you don't have to answer it right now.." Tzuyu genuinely smile at her..

"Komawo ~ .."

"I already Love you Tzuyu~ah.. it just that I'm not yet ready to tell it.. I-I just still waiting for my memory back first before I tell you what I truly feel ...."

Sana mumble to herself.


FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE - SATZU [BOOK 2] Where stories live. Discover now