Chapter Eight: Wish

Start from the beginning

"Good." I smiled.

What do you want Fred?" Roger sighed.

"Don't be so cold." He scolded him, "And you know I hate being called that."

I smiled at their silly friendship connection. I always wanted to know how fun a homosexual/bisexual man would be, and nothing is better than Freddie Mercury himself.

"We have a recording practice to do today."

Both of them exchanged glances at each other and then looked at me.

"What do you think?" Roger asked me.

"About what?"

"About spending time with us in the recording studio?"

"Sure." I tried not to make my excitement too obvious.

Before we went off to the recording studio, I asked Roger if there was any way to get pants for me to wear.

"You could borrow my clothes." That was his response.

"You can't be serious."

"I am not going to let you go outside again in that dress, it's too cold, why were you wearing something that thin in the first place?"

"Are you judging me, Roger?" I joked.

He eyed me seriously,

"No, I'm not. I'm just curious."

"I didn't think it would be this cold in England. Got to remember, I live in America."

"What happened to your clothes then?" Roger pushed.

Why did he have to ask a bunch of questions?

"I had to sell it, I had to."

He stared at me baffled. I was in hot water and winced at the sting. I put myself in this uncomfortable situation, what else could I do?

"Rog, we need to get a head start."

"Sorry, Freddie." He said to him, who disappeared into a different room, but Roger couldn't keep his eyes off of me.

I knew that stare, he didn't believe me. He must think I am a lunatic!

He gestured me into his bedroom as he picked out clothes for me to borrow. I took a look around the room as he rummaged through some drawers. He had several records and drumsticks sprawled out on a corner table. I spot a matching pair of lacy women's undergarments lying carelessly on his bed.

My stomach dropped

Roger was busy bending over, digging clothes out of his closet with his nice backside aiming my way. I felt myself getting hot and bothered.

I was ready to get out of here

A couple of minutes later, I stared blankly at the pile of clothes left out for me on the bathroom sink. I started stripping off my clothes when a sudden knock scared the lights out of me!


I heard amusing laughter on the other side.

"Did I scare you?" Roger spoke.

"Uh yeah!"

"Freddie wants me to give you something."

"Could it wait, I'm not dressed."

"Just grab a towel, it'll only be a minute."

I sighed and grabbed a clean towel inside a cabinet.

"I'm decent now."

Roger poked his head into the room.

"Here, Freddie wants you to have this."

He had a red thong and matching bra hanging from his fingers.

My eyes widened.

"Don't worry these are clean and new." He chuckled as if reading my mind.

I wish it was Freddie handing them to me instead, I don't feel comfortable being wrapped in only a towel.

I felt the thick cloth unraveling so I hastily held a firm grip.

"Well tell Freddie I said thank you."

"What about me?" Roger joked.

"You too of course." I giggled, "Now shut the d**n door."

It felt intolerable to wear someone else's clothes when you don't have any of your own. I'd never felt so out of place. It was very nice of Freddie to give me a pair of panties and a bra so I'm not wearing the same clothes over and over.

I did feel relieved to wear a pair of pants to cover my legs, they were getting hairy, and I didn't want the men to see that.

Roger's clothes fit long and slightly loose on me. As I walked out he told me I looked good with a knowing smirk. Thankfully he didn't say anything more about me. Brian was waiting for us outside.

I gasped in awe for being in a studio, I had never seen one in person. Sometimes I felt like I was not here and was examining wherever the bandmates go from a movie perspective. It feels like an out-of-body experience. It still feels surreal.

After a while, the band practiced on their Queen II album. I didn't know many of their early recordings.

I examined the members getting to their instruments and waiting for Freddie's command. They argued a few times about how it was going to go. Roger was the most heated one when it came to arguments. Eventually, they settled down and got to business. I sat on the couch and listened carefully to the music. I was very unaware of these songs, just like at the gig. Soon Sheer Heart Attack would be recorded, where I would be more familiar with the songs.

The bandmates sounded too perfect with each other, sometimes I am just flabbergasted by how these men, who are completely different from each other could be friends and work together so well.

I couldn't keep my eyes off Roger. He was working up a sweat, banging the drums with all his effort and strength. He looks so hot when he gets into his drumming. His long blond waves flailed with some strands stuck to his face. His lips pushed out into a pout, which was so irresistibly cute on a grown man.

"What do you think?" Brian asked me after they were done for the day.

"Amazing." I grinned.

"Thanks, dear." Freddie took my compliment while striking a hip pose.

"Be honest," John said, "Roger messed up back there quite a few times."

"Oh pi** off" Roger mumbled.

"He probably got distracted by you." Brian laughed.

I blushed and Roger rolled his eyes.

"Are you wearing his clothes too?" He asked.

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