Chapter eleven

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Navigating an airport alone for the first time in my life was a lot harder than I had originally thought it would be.

Having been here before, I had assumed I would immediately know what I was doing and where to go, but that definitely wasn't the case.

Everything looked the same, and as much as I wanted to ask someone for the proper directions, the idea of having to approach a random stranger for help was worse than missing my place.

A bit melodramatic maybe, but it's still true.

On top of my confusion, I could feel eyes on me wherever I went, and saw the occasional flash of a phone camera go off. I tried my best to ignore it, telling myself that it wasn't me people were staring at, but it happened one to many times to be a coincidence. Even though I made sure to stay away from the spotlight, my face still somehow managed to find its way to the front pages of the tabloids when I least expected it.

In a way it felt ridiculous to resent the attention, because I knew it was just proof of how successful Billie was becoming.

After checking in my suitcases and making it through security in one piece, I arrive at my gate in record time, finally figuring out the layout of the building. Gratefully settling into one of the cool metal chairs, I'm able to relax for the first time since getting here.

Billie's soft voice pours through the speaks of the earphones, and I smile as I listen to her sing one of my personal favorites of hers. Instead of the original audio, playing on my phone was a recording she made herself along with many others for me to listen to while I was away.

Hearing Billie's small laugh every time she messed up, and the personalized messages before and at the end of each song, made me miss her that much more, but I couldn't bring myself to turn it off. Listening to her talking about missing me already despite the fact that at the time I was just down the hallway was a bitter feeling, because it made it that more painfully aware to me that I was no longer in arms reach of her.

I debated briefly with myself on whether or not I should just listen to something else to distract myself, but the decision was quickly made for me when I hear my flight number being called, meaning it was time to get on the plane. Reluctantly turning off my phone and putting it into my bag, I pull out my boarding pass and passport, before getting in line.

I sigh at the gathered crowd just ahead of me who had managed to jump into line as soon possible. Thankfully it moved quicker than I have anticipated, and I was on the plane before I knew it.

Flying still made me incredibly anxious, and without Billie by my side to take my mind off of things, I forced myself to take deep breaths to calm myself down.

Everyone around was still being seated, and as I sat beside the window, I waited for my row to fill up.

Conversation blurred around me, voices overlapping as they speak over each other. I tried my best to just tune them out, but couldn't help but overhear my name being mentioned.

"-the one that's dating Billie Eilish?"

"Yeah her! Anyway, rumor has it that her and her girlfriend broke up."

The passing comment makes me chuckle, and I shake my head to myself.

Can't believe Billie never told me that we broke up.

"No way! I loved them together. How do you know they aren't together anymore?"

Aw cute.

"I read on Twitter that she's not going on tour with her, and they haven't been seen together in public for a while."

"Wasn't she in the hospital?"

"Dunno. But I just think that..."

I quickly tune out of their conversation, not bothered to listen anymore. It never fails to make me smile how much Billie's fans supports our relationship, because I know how much they mean to her.

But the fact that they think we're broken up just because I'm not going on tour with her, makes me wonder if maybe I'm making the wrong decision. Maybe I shouldn't be-

"Uh, excuse me? You need to move your bag."

A voice cuts through my train of thought, and I look up in surprise to see a guy a good few years older than me waiting to sit down. I immediately forget what I was thinking about, and it takes me a second to comprehend what the guy had said to me. Understanding, I look down at the ground and I notice my things had moved slightly from under my seat. Internally rolling my eyes, I reach down to move them, despite the fact that they couldn't have possibly been in his way.

"Thanks." He says, barely looking in my direction as he sinks down onto the worn seat to my right.

I stare at him for a second, taken aback by his attitude, but eventually shake my head and look back out of the window.

Distracting myself with music, I once again feel myself get lost in the sound of Billie's voice, quickly forgetting the strangers lack of manners.


I realised I must've drifted off when I feel a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me awake.

I jerk up into a sitting position, and see the same guy from person looking at me, "We're here," he says, "you fell asleep."

"Oh." Is all I can say in response, completely disoriented after just waking up. He just nods curtly before getting up and exiting the plane, blending in with the mass of people on their way out as well.

Shocked by the brief interaction, I take a second to gather myself, before grabbing my things and rushing off, thankful to finally be on the ground once again. The rush of cool air as I descend the metal stairs helps clear the sleep from head, and I mindlessly follow the crowd to baggage claim.

My bag is one of the first out, and I grab it swiftly from the conveyor belt, wanting to head out and hail a cab before it becomes too difficult to catch one with all the people wanting to leave as well.

Once I get out, I do a double take when I see a black car parked on the curb, a man standing by the door with a sign in his hand, which reads my first and second name. Confused, I slowly make my way over.

"Erin Finch?" He asks, dark sunglasses covering his eyes.


Lowering the sign, he stands back and opens the door for me to get in. I stand there for a second, looking at the plush leather interior, before glancing back at who I assume is the driver with a questioning look.

"I was sent by the O'Connells to drive you to your accommodation." He clarifies with a blank look, still waiting for me to get into the car.

"They're unbelievable." I laugh to myself, shaking me head, and say a quick thank you to the man as puts my things in the trunk of the car.

With a surprising shortage of traffic on the roads, I made it to the college campus in record time. Pulling up outside of the main building, the car gently rolls to a stop. Getting out, my things are handed to me by the driver, and after a polite but short exchange of conversation, he's gone.

It took a surprisingly short amount of time for me to find where I'm supposed to be staying, and considering I completely lack a sense of direction, I was impressed with myself.

Pushing open the double doors of the building, I immediately note a short queue already forming for the only elevator in sight, and decide to just take the stairs. The idea of going up 3 flights was incredibly unappealing, but I was too impatient to wait.

Finally reaching the right level, I make my way down the busy corridor, my eyes scanning briefly over each door. I try my best to avoid staring into rooms that have their door open with people inside, and read them all until I find the one I was assigned to.

I hesitate for a split second, hearing movement on the other side. Silently wishing I had gotten here before my new roommate, I take and deep breath and knock gently before letting myself into the room.

A/N: Two more left ❤️

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