Chapter three

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"This seems like a bad idea." I stress, pulling absentmindedly at the seatbelt strapped across my chest while Billie drives.

"Relax, baby." She coos, lacing her fingers with mine, one hand remaining on the wheel, "it's a good idea."

"It's questionable at best."

She laughs at that, making me smile but worry still lingers in my mind at Billie's plans. She had said that she wanted to take me out somewhere, but refused to bring any security. Which I understand, but I was still scared for her safety.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"You'll see." She smirks, her gaze fixed on the road as she drives.

"Fine, don't tell me. But if we get mobbed it's on you."

Her face darkens considerably at my words, making me realize I've hit a nerve. "I'm not going to let hurt you."

A small frown pulls at my lips as I watch her, and I brush the hair away from her neck, trying to ease the tensions in her shoulders, "I know, love."

She nods her head sharply, taking a deep breath, her knuckles turning white as they clench the steering wheel.

I hate seeing her like this. Any mention of me getting hurt immediately gets a bad reaction out of her, even if the situation doesn't call for it. Without even trying to blame myself, guilt still eats away at me for ruining her playful mood, and I struggle to change the topic.

My train of thought is halted as Billie pulls away from the main road, the uneven path causes us both to follow the movements of the car. Shaking my head, I look out of the car window, the fading skylight making the trees appear black as they fly past us, already having an idea of where we were headed.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Billie complains, probably starting to guess that I've figured out where she was taking me.

My suspensions are quickly proven correct when I feel a slight incline in our drive, and I just shrug, still confident in my guessing.

I love when Billie tries to surprise me, because at this point I've grown to know her so well that all her ideas are completely predictable. I used to pretend to be shocked on the rare occasions she tried to do something like this for me, but I quickly realised that Billie doesn't really care about this shit. As long as we're together, and I couldn't agree more.

When the ground levels out once again and the trees begin to pass us by, further and further apart, I immediately take note of how high up we are, the city lights twinkling in the distance.

When we finally pull to a stop, Billie gets out and rounds the car, opening my door for me and helping me find my footing. I roll my eyes at her actions, but honestly love how attentive she can be sometimes.

"Wait here." She orders cutely, trying to be stern, before jogging back over to the trunk of her car and pulling out a blanket, along with a few pillows.

"So no food, then?" I tease, helping Billie spread out the things she had brought, kicking any stones out of the way, "I thought this was supposed to be a picnic?"

Billie scoffs as I finally go to sit, pulling me down between her legs, "I never said shit about it being a picnic. That was all you."

I laugh lightly at her words and let my gaze rest peacefully on the view in front of us, and I feel Billie rest her chin on my shoulder. 

"How about I bring us to taco bell or some shit afterwards?" She says after a few seconds, her breath tickling my ear as she speaks.

I grin. "Perfect."

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