Chapter ten

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The next few weeks fly by in a blur of activity, and before I know it, I have my clothes almost entirely packed away.

I don't have much to bring with me other than clothes, but what personal belongings I do have, I'm bringing what I can fit into my bags. Because of this I'll have to leave some things behind, but I can't find myself to be too upset about it. For whatever reason, it just didn't sit right with me to bring everything, and completely removing any evidence that I had lived here at all.

Billie was more than happy to continue sharing her space with my things, even suggesting I leave some clothes in her wardrobe. Her offer made me smile, but other than the few hoodies of mine she had stolen, I insisted on taking everything with me.

The closer we got to the day of my flight, I felt as though I could almost feel Billie retreating into herself, despite being glued to my side wherever I went.

Her tour was also set to continue soon, meaning she would be headed off to Europe, along with the rest of her family, without me. Claudia was the only one staying in LA, but that wasn't much comfort considering I would still be so far away from here.

Billie and I filled every silence together with meaningless conversation, almost as if we were subconsciously trying to make up for how little we might we able to speak over the coming months.

I never had a moment away from her, and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way.

As I struggle with the last of my suitcases to get it closed, Billie was needlessly rambling on about how she'd rediscovered a song from her childhood that she used to love, and how bad her taste in music was back then.

"I still like that song." I shrug, stilling fighting with the zipper on my bag. Billie begins to backtrack immediately to try and spare my feelings, claiming that she was just exaggerating, to which I went "sure you were, Bil."

When a few minutes have passed and no progress has been made, I stand up with a huff, "I'll get Claudia to do it later."

"Why Claudia?" Billie questions, looking vaguely offended that I didn't ask her, but still not offering up her assistance.

"I don't know, she's organized I guess?"

Billie gives me a funny look, obviously trying to hide a laugh at my answer and goes to make an undoubtedly rude remark, but stops short when we hear Maggie call us for dinner.

"So, Erin," Maggie starts once the six of us are all sitting down around the table, "do you have everything ready?"

"Mhmm," I hum, nodding my head, passing the mashed potatoes back to Billie as I put a forkful into my mouth.

We fall into a brief silence as everyone begins to serve themselves, only speaking when asking for a dish to be passed down the table. Pepper can be heard sniffing heavily under our chairs, no doubt searching for food accidentally dropped on the floor, lingering near Billie where she's guaranteed a scrap or two.

Patrick is the first person to speak once everyone has begun eating, catching my attention as he calls my name, "so Erin, what time do we need to have the car ready for?"

Quickly swallowing the food in my mouth, I shake my head, "Oh, don't worry, I don't expect you to drive me to the airport. I'll just call an Uber or something."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Maggie immediately argues, giving me an incredulous look, "you're part of this family, Erin, and even though we can't be there to help you get settled, the least we can do is see you off on your flight."

"It's not a long drive but either way, we're all going to support you and that's that. I don't want to hear another word about it." Patrick adds as well, reaching over to place a comforting hand on my shoulder before returning to his dinner.

I was speechless.

"Thank you." I tell them quietly, the words feeling completely inadequate, but I knew that they would immediately understand the sincerity behind them.

Billie catches my hand and holds it securely in her lap when she notices how much this conversation is affecting me, and I'm grateful for the extra support.

"There's no need to thank us, honey." Maggie smiles.

"We need to put the old minivan to good use anyway." Patrick chimes in with a laugh.

After that, the conversation continued to flow around me, but I remained lost in thought, unable to focus my mind on what was going on around me for any length of time.

Never in my life have I had such determined parental figures, wanting to be there for me. Ever since I left the house I grew up in, and my parents, behind, I abandoned the thought of ever having that kind of protective presence in my life.

I knew I would always have a support system in Billie, but it was a different kind of love that I had always expected to come from my parents growing up that I missed the most.

Overtime, I learned to live without it, and that I  didn't deserve to be treated the way I had been, but it's so nice to know that I don't actually have to.

In Billie, and her family, I found mine.


When the day of my flight finally rolls around, it's hard to be excited when I think about how much I'm leaving behind. Billie tries to put on a brave face, but I can tell she's just as upset about me leaving that I am about going.

Patrick and I load everything into the trunk, before getting in while Maggie locks up the house.

Billie climbs in behind me, but I stop her from sitting down next to me when I realize which way we're facing.

"But wait, doesn't driving backwards make you feel nauseous? 'Cause no offense baby, I love you, but I really don't need you throwing up on me or some shit." I say, recalling a time when she forced Finneas to swap seats with her for that very reason.

Billie surprises me completely by throwing her head back and laughing loudly, and I stare at her in bewilderment.

"What?" I demand, repeating myself when all she does is continue to chuckle to herself.

"I don't get sick from travelling backwards! I just wanted sit beside you, bozo." She replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Now it was my turn to laugh, "You're too cute, Bil." I coo, tugging her closer to my side and kissing her cheek.

"I am not cute." She argues, but doesn't make any move to pull away from me, enjoying the attention.

Pulling away from Billie's childhood home that had become a safe place for me, knowing I won't be going back for some time, was a lot more emotional than I had expected.

Billie holds my against her the entire journey, but it ends seemingly just as soon as it had begun, and I watch as the airport rises into view.

We decide to say our goodbyes in the car, knowing that getting out would mean drawing unnecessary attention onto ourselves.

Billie of course ignores the advice of her parents, getting out with me to say a proper goodbye as I go to get my things.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She cries, holding onto me tightly, her head buried in the crook of my neck.

Returning her embrace, I blink rapidly as I try to stop my own tears from falling, "I know angel. I'm gonna miss you too," my voice is thick with emotion, making it hard to keep my words steady.

Eventually we pull away from each other, and she places a determined kiss on my lips, her arms snaking around my waist as she holds me closer.

"I love you." I whisper, breaking the kiss, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I love you."

With a last goodbye, I turn around and don't look back as the tears finally start to fall.

A/N: 3 left!

(...but if it's accidentally 4 you never saw this)

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