Five and Olive sat facing Diego as he woke
"Hey sleepy head" Olive said with a smile on her face

"Good, you're up" Five said "ready for a drink now?" Diego jumped up

"Where is he?" He asked

"We let him go"

"You What?"

"Now that the apocalypse is over, its time for the fighting to stop." He say for a moment and Diego picked up his knifes

"Hey he didn't kill patch his partner Cha-Cha did" Olive said

"So what? They were both there that night" Diego said

"This half of the partnership have me both of their guns. Which will clear you because the ballistics will match Patches crime scene." Five explained "Hazel come here looking for a way out. He wanted a fresh start, and he happened to have in his possession the one thing that would do our family a little good. So it's time to move on"

"Not a chance" Diego said

"Suit yourself" Five said, as him and Olive got up "I'm curious, your girlfriend Patch, what did you like about her?" Five asked

"A lot of things. Cute butt, nice legs" Olive snorted at his response— making her wince slightly at the stitches on her stomach

"Jesus Diego" She said

"Anything a little more profound than that?" Five asked

"She believed in people. No matter how much shit and filth she saw on the streets. She always saw the good inside"

"I'm sure she'll be proud to know that your killing Hazel and Cha-Cha as a way to honor her memory" Olive said then her and Five walked away

Olive had wandered off from Five, and instead followed Diego, Klaus and Luther downstairs to see Vanya locked up in the box Dad would have her in when they were younger.

"You locked up our sister, because you think she has powers?" Diego asked

"No, I know she does." Luther said "Pogo told me. He's always known and so did dad"

"What the hell are you doing?" Olive said, coming from behind the three boys and running to the door. Vanya's expression saddened and put her hand near Olives.

"I'm sorry" Olive mouthed and Vanya shook her head, pointing to herself. Olive turned to Luther with a hard glare on her face.

"let her go" she firmly said— but it's quite hard to boss around someone who is taller than you, and quite frankly doesn't feel much pain.

"Your supposed to be resting" Luther ignored what Olive had said and Olive scowled back at him, and turned back to Vanya.

"Why would they hide this from us? I mean am I the only one that didn't know this place existed?" Diego asked

"He hid so much from us" Klaus said

"He hid It because he was afraid. Of her" Luther said

"Oh, that's ridiculous" Olive scoffed, now filling turning back to Luther

"Is it? Dad lied about everything else, Why is this so far fetched?" Luther asked

"If your right then maybe she's the one who killed Peabody" Diego realized

"And cut Allison's throat and Olives Stomatch"

"Whoa, no. Let's...I ju— Sorry. Just. Let's go back all right? This is Vanya we're talking about, our sister. The one who always cried when we stepped on ants as kids."

"Yeah, I know it's difficult to except"

"It's not difficult to accept, its impossible to accept." Klaus said

"No. He's right. Look we can't keep her locked up without proof" Diego agreed

"What more proof do you need? Olive was there when it happened" Luther said

"Yeah but that wasn't Vanya!" She exclaimed "She would never do that. She was so angry, i-it was scary" Olive said, turning back and trying to turn the Handel on the door— but she was far to weak with her condition that when she stood up a wave of exhaustion came over her and she fell back into Diego's arms and he stabilized her.

"Why don't we just open the door and ask her?" Klaus said stepping forward

"No she's not going anywhere" Luther said grabbing Klaus

"Even if you're right, she needs our help, and we can't do that if she's locked in a cage" Diego said

"Yeah, and for all we know she, Could be struggling with this new power. I mean it must be scary. Terrifying really, to discover that you could do something or never thought you could do"

"Exactly, you don't know what she's going through none of us do!" Olive yelled

"Look, if what pogo told me is when half true, the. She is not just a danger to us." Luther said

"So was I! Then I learned to control it Thats What she needs!" Olive said "god could you be more ignorant?" Olive looked behind Luther to see Allison, and Luther turned

"Allison What are you doing down here? You should be in bed" Luther said

Then she started to write on a notepad
Let Her Go it read

"I can't do that. She hurt you and Olive" Luther said

Then she wrote again Our Fault It said

"I'm sorry, but she's staying put. Just until we know what we're dealing with" Luther said holding Allison back

Olive turned and made eye contact with Vanya, holding her arm out again trying to Twist the Handel around with her powers.

Olive focused on trying to turn the handle and normally this would have worked and been easy but not this time— Olives hand started to shake as she groaned, struggling to even move it slightly but the same thing happened again and she fell slightly back into Diego.

Ever since her stomach had been cut open her powers had been limited. She got tired more easily. Luther held Allison back and she hit him out of anger and frustration.

"She stays put" Luther said and Allison tried to push past him but she got weak

"Come on you need to rest. You to Olive" Luther pulled Olive away from the door and lifted her onto his shoulder. Olive started to cry and hit him

"stop it! She's our sister!" She Sobbed "she needs our help"she hit him in the back multiple times

"Come on let's go" Luther said leading Allison away

"Luther put me down! Please! Vanya!" Olive yelled hitting Luther, looking to Vanya one last time who was banging on the glass before she felt herself get dizzy "p-please" she said weakly before she went limb on Luther's shoulder

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