Only Sister Books-Mafia/Gang Brothers

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This one hits every nerve. Majority of these are always the same. So much so it gets annoying where I'm like "I've definitely read this before".
The Rules: No boys. Go nowhere without a guard or one of your brothers in case an enemy attacks you, but we won't tell you anything about that, because we don't want you to be prepared and defend yourself, you have brothers for they, we want you to be a dainty pretty sitting duck. Obey, no matter what, no questions asked, be a drone. Don't talk back, never stand up for yourself, be a doormat to the men in your life. Always show respect, even if you're being bullied, lied to, and mistreated, by your family. Don't go on the third floor where we do our secret Mafia/Gang business. Always give verbal answers, even when no one else in the house has to.

It's always the same in like every books, only a few haven't disappointed me. I need a girl who fights, no just physically, but for what she believes in, for herself. A SMART girl who realized that her brothers are into some shady stuff, and they probably have a tracking device on her, who probably have cameras and eyes everywhere, who sees the signs when they're right in front of her. A girl that can just get down with the boys and show them what a WOMAN is. Like I don't know if Wattpad exists in these worlds, and if the girl has eve read any of them, but any avid reader would know exactly what's going on, by the first day.

Also again with the sexism. This is commonly seen on the books where the girl has been living with the brothers her whole like. I hate it when she has a brother that's her twin or only a year older than her, that gets to know the family secret before her, and for no other reason than because she's a girl.

In some of these books, the girl ha nothing to lose by speaking up, they already treat you like trash, they've already unfairly taken York technology away, grounded you, take away whatever freedom you had. What else can they do?

At some point you have to think about running away, or going to say with other family. Some of these girls have no where to go but up, and sometimes up so going somewhere else.

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