Gay People Deserve Boundaries (even if they're your best friend)

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This is mostly in regards, but not limited to, gay man in books.

Don't ask them if they're a top or a bottom within the first 5 seconds of meeting them. That's none of your business, they aren't your favorite porn star, yaoi character, or love interest in a BL Drama.

They don't ask you what position you like to take it in, so don't ask them.

Next, don't assume they're into every other gay, bisexual, or pansexal, etc. person that crosses their path.

I am so tired of seeing these straight girls and women in books that don't know boundaries. Just because your a woman doesn't mean that you can get all up in their business asked those kinds of questions, or even insert yourselves in their lives Bc you've "always wanted a gay guy friend".

Not every gay, bi, pan, etc. person is going to be your G.B.F.

Also, no outing people just because you know. Don't out them because you think it's obvious or everyone knows and they're being afraid over nothing.

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