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Imagine that this chapter never existed and also imagine a better ending pls.

    A few months have passed since me and Kevin started dating. He was so sweet and so caring. I feel bad that I can't return the exact same feelings. I'm really trying to love him! I really am! But it's no use. You can't make yourself fall in love with someone. It's not a choice, it's a feeling. Only thing left is for something to happen so I can break up with him I guess...


    Dating her... was the worst thing that happened to me. She was so selfish. An absolutely annoying 'girlfriend'. Thankfully today I got good news. My manager called. He said we could finally stop dating because the enemy stuff ended. Couldn't have been happier.


"Yes Jagi?"

"We're finally breaking up!"

"We're- what???"

"We're breaking up! Like right now!"

"But, we can't because of our companies being against each other! Remember?"

"They aren't anymore. Now if you'll excuse me, I should -no- we should announce this."


    I didn't listen to her. I just went straight to my phone to announce our break up to the public. Everyone was supporting our decision. They were being so nice it shocked me. Now I we have to wait for Y/n to see it.


    I really wanted to keep dating him, but I just can't. So I decided to meet him at park and talk to him.

"Did something happen?"

"No, why did you ask that?"

"I'm usually the one planning our little dates so it was weird for you to call me this time."

"About that... I wanna talk about something."


"I wanna talk about us. Look Kevin, I'm trying. I really am. I'm trying my best to love you but I guess I can't do it anymore. I'm so sorry. I just– even though Changmin is dating someone else, I still love him and I can't change that fact. These past months were amazing. You are so nice and an amazing boyfriend. Sadly, I'm not smart enough to see it. I'm really sorry and I hope you forgive me."

"Wow.... So you really want to break up?"


"...I have good news for you then. Q also broke up with her."


"You heard correctly. Now go get him. I'll stay here for a while."

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" "and I'm truly sorry for hurting you, I hope you forgive me Kevin..."


    I wasn't sure what to do. So I went to a place I thought he could be at. That bench. The one that started everything. Hopefully he'll be there.

    To my luck, that's exactly where he was. I quietly went and sat next to him.


"How do you– Y/n???"

"Uhhh, hello"

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm pretty sure we're here because of the same reason."

Ended From The Beginning  // JCM✓Where stories live. Discover now