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    Next class was history. I absolutely hated this class. But unlike the Math's Teacher, I really like my History Teacher. Mr.Kim . He always helped me out and was very kind. No matter how bad I was, he always tried to help me.

    History went ok. Did I 'learn' anything? Well...no. But it was better than my maths class. I went outside. I really enjoyed drawing. When drawing, I felt very relaxed and had fun. My usual place was under the tree. I go under 'the tree' and draw whatever comes to my mind. That was exactly what I was going to do today. But what should I draw?

    As I was thinking, an idea came up to my mind. Why don't I draw Q? At least try to draw him. I'm positive I won't be able to draw someone that perfect but let's give it a try. First I need to find a photo of him somewhere. Where can I- Aha! I can ask New. 'He will tease me a lot, here goes nothing!' . I decided to text him.


                                                                                                        Hey can you um mayb give
                            me a few photos of Q?    


Awww is my little sister falling in love?

                                                                                                     Dude come on! Ofc not! Why
                         would i anyway?🙄


Cant I tease my little sis a little🙄 Anyways its good to know you
dont love him. cuz like...he's
gonna be an idol etc 

    "...oh...right, I forgot about that."


I'm sending some photos now

                                                                                                                    Uh yeah nvm I dont   
                                        need it


wut? why? i was sending some!!!                                                                                                                                                           *Seen*


"What's up with her?"

    Why did she just leave me on read? Why did she suddenly change her mind? Why did she want pictures of....Q? I was just kidding when I said she fell in love.


    Now I felt bad. Why did I do that :( Did I really have to make her sad!!! I hate myself. I should make it up to her somehow but for now, I'll just send a photo of Q. '*sigh* I hope she isn't sad right now' .


    Not gonna lie, I did feel sad. I guess I'm really in love right now. Who wouldn't feel sad right? Just as I was about to close my sketchbook, I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hey! You're New's sister. Y/n right?"

"Um yeah, Kevin was it?"

"Yup! So what are you drawing?"

Ended From The Beginning  // JCM✓Where stories live. Discover now