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*Long Time Skip*


Three-four years past. They were a pretty successful group. I was happy for them. Between these years, I couldn't get in contact with them often. Changmin and I couldn't talk a lot. But three years have passed which meant we could finally see each other.


"What?! But I don't even know her! Why do I have to date her?" I yelled at our manager.

"Look Q, I know you don't want to. However, it will make the bond between the companies better. You don't have a choice."

What kind of bullshit was this??? I was supposed to date another idol I never met just so the companies can have a better relationship and stop being 'enemies'. I didn't want this! I had other plans! Me and Y/n had other plans.

"I know this will be hard for you but I'm sure you'll fall in love with her the second you see her. She's very pretty."

I wanted to say something. I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to say a lot but nothing came out of my mouth. This was so sudden! Just yesterday I was talking to New about Y/n. I hated this. I didn't want to do this at all.

"I'll take your silence as an agreement. You'll meet her in a few minutes or so."

I didn't want to meet her. Sadly, it looked like I had no other choice.

"Oh Areum! You look wonderful today." The manager said.

I turned in shock to see the person I was going to be dating. She came closer and whispered something in my ear.

"I wouldn't have chose you either. So don't complain much."

This had to be a joke. I was not gonna date her. How is it even possible? There are more than 51 million people living in Korea but it had to be her. Y/n's bully. Great. I bet she would've wanted to choose Sunwoo if she had the chance. I hate this. And I have to tell this to Y/n...


Changmin called me saying we should meet up in a few hours. I can't wait! Finally we'll get to see each other and maybe even date! I missed him and his little dimple so much. I started getting ready.

I got a call from Changmin. He said he was waiting outside. I hurried up and went out. There he was. The person I missed so much.

"CHANGMIN!!!" I said as I hugged him he hugged me back but didn't seem so thrilled to have seen me again.

"Changmin...is everything ok?"


"Answer me-"


I turned to see a girl running towards us. She pushed me and kissed Changmin's cheek. I felt sad, happy, confused, betrayed...who was she?

"Jagiyaaa, who's this girl?"

My eyes widened as I recognized her.

"Areum??? What are you doing?!"

"Do I know you?"

"Areum...this is Y/n..." Changmin said. I was on the verge of crying.

"Ohhhh that girl! How are you doing?" She said with an evil smirk on her face.

"Changmin explain this."

More silence.


"Areum, can you give us a moment?"

"Of course babyyy! I was going anyways. It was nice seeing you Y/n!"


We went to a café.

"Now, explain. What's going on?"

"I'm so sorry. I really am. I didn't have any other choice. They're making me date her."

There it was. The answer that would make me fall apart. The answer that would make me cry. They were dating. I tried holding my tears back but it was no use. They kept falling.

"Please don't cry!!! You know I don't want this! You know I love you! Stop crying, please."

It was my turn to keep quiet. I couldn't help but feel betrayed. It hurt to see someone you love dating someone else. Especially when that 'someone else's was the girl that hurt you the most.

"I...understand. You don't have any other choice... But I wish you would've told me something like this would happen sooner. Maybe then, it wouldn't hurt as much."

I tried to smile. It looked forced. It looked like there was pain behind it.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I really am. I will try to do something about it. But right now it looks like there's nothing I can do."

He was also about to cry. I didn't want to see him like this.

"It's ok, really. Date her. Since there's nothing you can do, might as well make the most of it. Am I right?"


"Changmin, I really mean it. Date her. And be happy. That's the only thing you can do right now. It was nice seeing you again. It really was."

I turned around and went without waiting for an explanation. I didn't want to hear him.

I thought it would be a good idea to walk around and get my mind off things. For the first time, I was correct. I saw Kevin. I haven't talked to him in a long time as well.


"Y/n? What are you doing here this late? Oh my god, did you cry?!!"

"Is it too obvious?"

"Yes it is. Now tell me what happened."

I explained everything one by one. I broke down completely. Thankfully, Kevin was really understanding. He even comforted me.

"Cry, let it all out. Would you like me too stay with you today?"

"That would be great." I said between my tears.

We went to my house. Who knew Kevin could be a great cook? He made delicious food for us to eat. It was fun chatting with him like this. I kinda don't wanna admit it, but I missed his presence.

After eating our food, we decided to watch a movie. It was really fun watching it with him. Until I caught him looking at me.

"The movie is on the TV, not my face." I said as I laughed.

"I know, but it's better looking at you."

I felt my cheeks getting hot.

"I shouldn't be saying this now, but I really love you Y/n. I don't want it to look like I'm taking advantage. But since you and...Q won't be dating, how about we do?"

I looked at him with shock. He wanted to date me?

"Kevin..." I was about to reject him. He was right though. Me and Q weren't going to date anytime soon. And what's so bad about giving him a chance? "I would like that!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes! I want to make it work. I really do!"

Kevin seemed so happy. He was also shocked. Guess he didn't expect me to say yes. I hope we can make it work... I'll try my best to make it work.


this is so 🤢 but let's think of it this way; it's my first ff ever... after this book, I promise I'll write better ff's

           Word Count: 1168❤️

Ended From The Beginning  // JCM✓Where stories live. Discover now