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    The next day, I went to school with a huge smile on my face. That idiot smile of mine was back. And I know for a fact that Hwall, Sunwoo and Eric will keep irritating me unless I tell them. But when I do tell them, they probably won't stop teasing me.

    I went straight to class and I guessed correctly.

"Y/n, did Q do something again? Your smile is back." Sunwoo said.

    After Sunwoo said that Hwall and Eric looked at me and of course, them being them, started laughing and making fun of my 'idiotic smile' as Eric liked to call it.

"But seriously did something happen?" Hwall asked me.

"No, nothing happened."

"Then why are you smiling like that?"

"I'm not!"

    Before they could answer, the teacher came in and started the class.

    When class ended they came and kept irritating me until I told them.

"YOU ACTUALLY KISSED?!!!" Eric yelled.

"DON'T YELL! And yes, I'm still shocked as well."

"So are you two gonna date or..."

"I don't know, don't ask me anything right now. Oh! And please don't tell Kevin about this."

"Calm down, we won't. We aren't that dumb." Sunwoo said.

"Correction, I'm not that dumb. You guys are." Hwall said.

    I laughed and went to my next class.

                       *Time Skip*

    At lunch, I went to our usual table. But this time, only Changmin was there.

"Uhh where are the others?"

"Those little- New is so dead." He whispered but it was enough for me to hear.

    Of course Chanhee would do this. I'm not shocked at all.

"Well, umm, let's eat I guess." I told him awkwardly.

"Yeah sure..."


"Hyung, are you sure we should do this? They seem really awkward." I asked New hyung.

"Quite down a little. I gotta see if Q really likes her or not."

"And exactly how are we supposed to understand that by leaving them in an awkward situation?"

"You'll see. Is Sunwoo keeping Kevin busy enough?"

"Yeah, but I don't think it'll last long before Kevin hyung just comes here."

"Keep him busy. I gotta learn this."

"We are trying hyung, but no promises..."


    This is really awkward. I should probably start a conversation but about what?

"How did you decide to become an idol?"

"Nothing special actually. I was practising my dance when one of my friends came and secretly watched me. After I finished dancing, he came in and told me I should use this talent. So then I wanted to become an idol and well, here I am!"

"You are really talented as your friend said. And you're only one of twelve members. I believe you guys will be a group full of talent! Hopefully you will get the recognition you deserve."

"Thank you Y/n. That was very sweet." He said while smiling.

"No problem!"

"Do you wanna hang out today again?"

"Yes please!"

"Where would you like to go?"

"You choose. You did a great job choosing yesterday." I said as I winked. "Well, I'm going to class see you after school!"

"Yeah...see you."

   I have no idea where that weird confidence came from. But it helped so I'm not complaining!

"Are you really gonna go with him today?"

    Huh? Who's that?"


"Didn't we agree to hang out every Thursday?"

"I forgot about that. Let me just call and tell him--"

"It's fine. You guys go. We'll just hang out next week."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I hope you have a good time." He said as he left. "Oh and one last thing!"


"What did you mean when you said- nevermind. Have a good day you two."

    I forgot about our agreement with Kevin. He said it was ok and we could go, but I saw how disappointed he was from his eyes. And knowing his feelings for me, I feel kinda selfish. I wonder what he was gonna ask me...


    He hurt you before, didn't he? So why do you love him? I never hurt you. I'm always nice towards you. What does he have that I dont? I'm better than him. I've got much more talents. And what did you mean by 'You did a great job choosing last time.'? Why did he blush when you said that? Why does he make your heart flutter but I don't? Why do you not love me?


    It's honestly so hard to keep Kevin hyung at one place. He doesn't listen to anyone. And I was the wrong person for this. Normally, someone else was supposed to be keeping Kevin hyung from going to the cafeteria. But apparently he has a baseball match against another class and he has to go because the winner get a chocolate bar. Just one damn chocolate bar. 'THANKS A LOT ERIC, I'VE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE HELP OUT THIS MUCH!!!' I yelled in my head.

"Kevin hyung did you hear this song? It's 'Oh My God' from (G)i-dle and it's a bop!"

"Sunwoo, yes I heard it, but why aren't you letting me go to the cafeteria?"

"W- What are you talking about? You can go if you want to!"

"Ok then, I'm going."

"Wait! You can't!"

"Why not?"

"Umm, because...we have to stream the song! Yeah! We have to stream the song, you can't go."

"Sunwoo... you're a bad liar. I'm going."

"Hyung don't! If you do, I'm dead!"

"Oh please, who's gonna kill you?!"

"New hyung."


"NO! I MEANT HWALL! Hwall will kill--"

"It's about Y/n isn't it? I'm going."

    Great. If New hyung sees Kevin at the cafeteria, I'm dead. But Eric was supposed to do it! It's not my fault! I just hope New hyung won't see him there.


I cant believe myself. I said I'll update more often but I literally updated 4 days later. anyways, stream Oh My God. its a great song. AND DID YALL SEE KEVIN ON TWITTER??? he said ot12 '4ever'. 4ever is an underrated song. k im out

                  Word Count: 1011❤️

Ended From The Beginning  // JCM✓Where stories live. Discover now