022; paul's help

35 1 3

June 8th, 2020 8:05am

"You really think auditioning in between a two-show day is going to be fine?" The pair decided to meet four hours before their call time at the theater. Luckily it was open. When Dawn called, she wasn't given much time to prepare for her audition. It was at four in between their two show day.

"It's not ideal, but it was the only option they gave me," Dawn admitted. "I already have it all memorized so let's get started!"

Paul sighed, he really didn't want to help, but felt indeed condemned into this chore, "Whose sides do you have?"

"Just Millie," the blunette exlaimed, extremely giddy. "But I have two sides, both scenes are with Jimmy. And they want me to sing."

"Okay, we'll hit acting first," Paul administered.


"What choices have you made so far?"

Dawn smirked, "I really picture her as someone who can't sit still. I don't think she could breathe until she made it to the city. She's is completely obsessed with what people think of her, though she's anxious and intends to never show it. So in that case, she absolutely has to be modern."

"A lot like you," Paul snickered, attempting to entertain himself with the material he found dreadfully boring.

Dawn punched his arm, however weakly. "Oh shut up!"

Upon her contact, the man sat down. He directed her, "If you don't say the lines right now, you're never going to catch your audition."

Dawn fumbled lightly, "Right!" The girl plopped down next to her bag messily draped on the floor of her dressing room. She quickly pulled out a packet of papers and roughly pushed them into the hands of the violet haired man who was hardly awake enough to deal with her shenanigans. "Cue me?"

"Watch where you're going, dont'cha? You don't own the sidewalk lady," Paul stated, begrudgingly. After a beat, he added, "Learn to share it with the rest of us."

Dawn smiled in a manner that was sickeningly sweet, "Oh!" Then she admitted, her inflection lowering, "I meant to trip you." Though her tone was facetious, the girl played it off very quickly, clearly distracted by something else. She began to rush around the room, eyes fluttering all over the place.

Paul continued, having no advice so far. "Of all the dirty, rotten—"

"My purse is gone!" Sheer worry, anger in being distracted for even two seconds. Good choices.


"My hat, my scarf," A beat. "My shoe."

"They stole your shoe?" Paul continued to read.

Dawn spelled it out to him. "While I was wearing it." Then her anger seemed to direct itself at herself, "Ten minutes in this town, and I have my New York horror story."

"Okay pause there, let's talk about the addition of comedy to character."

Dawn kicked her feet, a bit in shame, but another bit eager to hear and improve upon what he had to say. "Was it bad?"

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