008; recording the album

44 0 1

May 16th, 2020 10:47am

Their director decided to begin the session with recording group numbers, beginning with I Believe, and after heading over to Purple Summer, then Totally Fucked, and finally Touch Me.

Everyone was totally on their game, with excited energy and the same emotion presented on stage.

And that was fantastic because there was a camera crew recording them for the Broadway.com YouTube channel. Spring Awakening was becoming a big deal. A lot of people were talking about it.

Regardless of the cameras, even though their presence was slightly nerve-wracking, Dawn was genuinely admiring the attention everyone was portraying into their microphone. Barry seemed like he was having the time of his life until she and Paul were set up to sing Word of Your Body. It was an intimate scene of the show and Paul, being a method actor insisted on incorporating some blocking to bring across the right emotion. And he was right, but when doing so, the blunette felt uneasy seeing Barry's scowl and whispering to the boys surrounding him - her friends. What could he be saying about her?

Other than that, they took a few takes of the song and all of them were beautiful, so they moved on to the Reprise. Barry and Drew stood up a got great takes as well, but Dawn was hardly paying attention. Why was her ex acting so cruel? Didn't he want their show to be a success? His demeanor just seemed strange.

They then did My Junk and the Dark I Know Well. Next came the Guilty Ones. They ended with the Mama Who Bore Me Reprise. Then they took a break for lunch and the girls except for May and Dawn were allowed to leave and prep for the show that night.

The boys had a bit more recording to spearhead so they munched on an assortment of vegan wraps, salads, and sandwiches (typical city food). Dawn tried to pretend she was her same bubbly personality, but was feeling a bit uneasy with the atmosphere surrounding the cast. May hardly picked up on it and dug in to her packed lunch, and Dawn didn't eat anything, pick slightly at a piece of lettuce.

"You alright, baby girl? You're hardly eating." Gary seemed to pick up on the strange habit.

It was strange. His excessive flirting never seemed to bother her. But May seemed especially aggravated. "Gary! Leave her alone! No man should ever comment on a girl's diet. Especially an underage girl!"

"I'm 19 May. It's fine. It doesn't bother me." Dawn hummed, rubbing her temples in attempt to ease her newfound headache.

Gary swung his arm around the girl. "Well you let me know if you need anything baby girl."

"Will do!" Dawn sang sardonically as she rolled her eyes and speedily removed his arms.

The group continued to chat, though with the odd rivalry between Dawn and Barry seemingly unnoticed by everyone including him, messing with her psyche. Suddenly, the director appeared, only to whisper to Dawn, "We need to retake your cut of Guilty Ones, your mic was cutting in and out."

As Dawn wasn't eating, she quickly nodded and followed her director back to the recording studio. And soon the rest of the cast followed.

She tried Paul's method of acting, but without the stage and the lead up to this song, she couldn't feel her character. So she simply sang and scanned the room, looking for a focal point in the room that'd ease her of all this pent up frustration she was feeling.

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