011; album release party

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May 22nd, 2020 10:49pm

It was after their show and Dawn was just exiting the car that May was driving, about to enter the building where the Album Release Party was being held. Dawn was full of nervous jitters, knowing that tomorrow everyone could hear her voice singing these songs, critiquing her on any streaming service available to them.

Dawn enjoyed stagedooring, so her and her best friend were the last to leave the theatre, as well as the last to arrive to the party. Everyone seemed to be slightly tipsy already, and Dawn felt immediately isolated, knowing that she was the only member of the cast and crew unable to drink.

Dawn and May arrived which meant they could finally play the music. Upon entrance, the violin that cued the blunette began playing through the speakers. May scurried off to find a drink, while Serena, Gary, and Misty ushered Dawn to sit with them. Somehow, annoyingly and uncomfortably, the girl ended up next to Gary who already smelled like he had had a bit to drink. The girl had been running late, but how much time were the rest of the cast left to their own devices?

Gary whispered, his hot breath made her jump, "You sound really good. And you look really pretty."

The rest of the cast was seated around. And everyone was present and slightly inebriated. It was a celebration, she couldn't blame them. She only blamed herself for being born so late she couldn't celebrate with them.

Dawn only murmured, "Thank you." By the time she could, the reprise was almost finished and soon enough Paul's voice echoed over Latin. It was cool to hear these songs without the pressures of performing, but Gary so close to her was chilling. It was a reflection of her mistake many days ago. The mistake she was trying to ignore.

Songs and songs passed with Gary slurring compliments aimed directly for the blunette. Her eyes, hair, smile, now breasts— "Hey Dawn, I have some notes for you from tonight."

The blunette anxiously looked up to meet the voice, swirling some random soda in her offhand. Surprisingly enough, it was Paul who reached out, but she should've known from the contents of his request. Dawn murmured, glancing back and forth between the two 'gentlemen,' "Uh sure." She stood up, nervous for the remarks she was about to receive.

In a drunken state, he extended his hand. He seemed aware of his actions but tipsily out of control. Dawn hardly offered it, messily grabbing it for support to stand up and then retracting it, fearful of an off handed comment she could see coming. As soon as they were out of ear-shot, the blunette asked, "Don't you want to listen to the album?"

The man aggressively shook his head, "I don't need to listen to the show here, I hear it every night." Dawn nodded her head, as Paul's singing voice rang out against the speakers. "I saw how uncomfortable Oak was making you, so I stepped in."

That shocked the girl, seemingly so out of the man's character. "Oh," that was all she could muster. "Thank you, I guess."

"Why's he being an asshole tonight?"

"I wish I knew."

"He still obsessed with you from your kiss?" Tipsy Paul was very blunt, it was kind of funny. "You're a good kisser, that's something you'll always have going for you."

She'd never thought about it before, but she guessed she has kissed Paul before. Every night on stage their characters make out and even worse, have 'play sex.' She never thought that the man could have an opinion of the way she kissed. She guessed it was meant as a compliment because he did happen to only be her second kiss. Ash being her first from the National Tour, and Barry her third, a few weeks after they met while working on Spring Awakening. But something about that comment really did irk her. "See that's the annoying thing — Guys only ever like me for my physical attributes, but once they know of my intellect and my work-ethic, they run for the hills."

Paul scoffed, "I can name six boys that haven't. Well, five. Forgot about Barry."

"Right," There was a silence between them. "Thanks for getting me out of there, I could smell the-whatever he was drinking-from his mouth."

"Yeah no problem. Anytime Dawn, you know."

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