005; the boys

53 0 0

May 11th, 2020 4:12pm

Barry added Ash, Gary, Drew, Calem, and Paul to a chat

Paul: So help me why is there another one?

Ash: I don't mind it but why?

Barry: Because I don't want Dawn to know how upset I am

Drew: it's just a review, Barry. Critics are harsh, it's their job. We all know you're a great performer.

Calem: ^^

Barry: I just don't understand why I got the bad review

Barry: I work my ass off

Paul: I've gotten my fair share of bad reviews, I didn't let them bother me.

Barry: Well how am I supposed to impress Dawn and be her boyfriend if she doesn't look up to me?

Calem: Oh, so this is about Dawn.

Gary: Hence the other group chat.

Drew: Relationships are about mutuality, not hierarchy.

Barry: I'm not good enough for her.

Calem: That wasn't what Drew was trying to say Barry

Drew: Let's not be harsh.

Gary: but hey, if you don't want her I'll take her

Barry: I'll never be enough for her.

Barry: She's going to go so far and I'm going to choke.

Drew: Barry let's not be rash

Barry: I should break up with her before she breaks me.

Paul: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Barry: It doesn't help that she's continually flirting with other guys

Calem: Lol who?

Drew: Now you're just making excuses

Gary: yeah if she was flirting with other guys, I'D be the first one to know.

Barry: :/

Barry: Guys I'm serious, either way, I'm going to end up hurting her

Calem: I think you're making a mistake, but you need to do what's best for your relationship

Drew: You are both young.

Paul: Besides, it's unprofessional to date someone in the business.

Barry: Paul's right

Barry: For once

Barry: Okay I'm going to do it a few hours before the show

Gary: Like a bandaid, you can do it boy

Calem: We support you in your endeavors.

Barry left the chat

Calem: I just hope Dawn will be okay.

Texting the Next Broadway Stars [ Pokémon AU ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora